Gustavo Serpa: Falcao is coming to compete, we are going for the title

Gustavo Serpa: Falcao is coming to compete, we are going for the title
Gustavo Serpa: Falcao is coming to compete, we are going for the title

“Today my bet is on Colombian football, on my roots and on my homeland.”, the strong message that Falcao left after confirming his signing for Millonarios. The top scorer of the Colombian National Team will play in the team that he always dreamed of, with the goal of being champion of the BetPlay League. Gustavo Serpa told how the agreement was reached and made it clear that he still does not understand what it means to confirm this reinforcement, the most important of the FPC in a long time. In addition, he pointed out that Tigre’s commitment is total to the institution and his desire is to play on all the fields in the country.

The president of the board of directors of Millonarios confirmed that It all started when Falcao said he wanted to finish his career with the team. From there, with prudence and success, the leaders got closer to the dream that today is a reality. Although the issue of security and his family were two reasons that made management difficult at one point, everything was finally resolved and Radamel will wear number nine for the Bogotá team.

A dream fulfilled despite the difficulties

Serpa stated on Caracol Radio’s 6AM Hoy por Hoy that the interest in signing Tigre, “It started when he stated that he wanted to finish his career at Millonarios. All the fans understand that and we have been dreaming about it for many years. We started dreaming about that possibility, but a year ago, after the 2023 title, I approached Falcao, we spoke in Madrid and had an extensive talk, we talked about tax issues, football issues, his love for MIllonarios. At that time it could not be realized, but we did not stop in our contact with him to put a bell on the tiger so that we could achieve that dream that the Millonarios fans had.”

In addition, he added that the issue of security and his family was what complicated the negotiation a little.. ”As far as it has to do with us, he resolved his family issue that was delicate for him, any change that one decides to make with the family requires reflection and agreements, I suppose and I know that it was the issue that he had the most reflection on. regard. As far as he had to do with us, the issue was almost lost, because There was a security issue that worried Falcao’s advisors, him and his family, which had already happened in some circumstances, but that was an issue that at some point caused the intention to be clouded and fortunately it was resolved.”.

Presentation of Falcao in El Campín

“We are working on that, what we have in mind, but we have to see the possibilities, is to make a presentation of Falcao in El Campín for our subscribers and the idea is that the tickets go on sale next week, We are going to have special editions of Millonarios’ own brand. Next week we will have news,” said Gustavo Serpa.

The news of Falcao’s signing went around the world, an elite reinforcement that exceeded the leadership’s expectations. “I am overwhelmed by everything that has happened, I committed myself to this with President Camacho and the team we have in Millonarios. When we began to see the global reactions, I did not believe the dimension and reach that the news had at the level of world football. I myself could not understand the dimension of this news. “This is very exciting, because feeling what is happening in football in Colombia, but the happiness of our fans, is very exciting,” added the president of the board.

Falcao, his influence on Millonarios and the FPC

Although Serpa confirmed that no leader of another club called him after learning about Falcao, he stated that this news will help the growth of the FPC. “When Messi arrived in the MLS, some extraordinary things happened that are revolutionizing football there, so much so that the league and television helped pay for Messi’s arrival, But I imagine all the countries being filled with the presence of Falcao, he helps all the clubs, for the small teams, many beautiful things are going to happen and that brings us enormous joy.”.

Regarding what Radamel can leave to the FPC, the leader stated that, “he is a reference for Colombians, not only because of his triumphs, Falcao was classified as the best scorer in the world. We Colombians have a special affection for Falcao for his condition as a human being, for his gentlemanly manner, what he means as a person and human being, We Colombians have devotion for Falcao. In the complex moments of the country, a voice like his, of a calm, serene man, is going to be very important. There are many things that Falcao can leave in Colombia”.

El Tigre is coming to be champion with Millonarios

Gustavo Serpa said that Falcao showed his commitment from the desire to play on all the fields in the country and that he will be one more of the team led by Alberto Gamero. Millonarios will debut in the second half of the League against Medellín as a visitor and it will depend on the coach and the conditions in which the forward is to be part of the starting roster.

“Falcao comes to compete, we, from the first game, our goal is to be champions. When Falcao goes to compete, he is another member of the team, if he is fit, he will play. He is going to be one of the squad, he said it himself and he wants to be champion. If the coach has it, Falcao will be in Medellín. We are going to fight for the title and we are going with everything,” said Serpa.

Collective joy in Millonarios for the arrival of Falcao

The reactions of the Millonarios players to the signing of Tigre were massive. The president of the board confirmed that he saw what the team captain, David Mackalister Silva, had published and recalled that the midfielder had told him that if Radamel arrived he would give him the captain’s ribbon. “I saw something Mackalister posted and I haven’t had a chance to meet the players or see them. There is great emotion, it is a topic that we have been working on for a long time, the players mentioned it. Falcao is a great reference for footballers. I remember that Mackalister said that ‘if the Tiger comes, I will take off my captain’s band and hand it to him.’ The great satisfaction that the players have for the arrival of Falcao is at that level.”

Regarding the time he will be at the club, Serpa was clear when stating that. “That is not agreed upon, it is not talked about. There are no conditions in this regard, but every day he brings his fan, ours was to bring him and we will see how things go, we will do what is appropriate if the circumstance is such.”.

Finally, Gustavo Serpa told the time that Falcao and Gamero met and remembered the forward’s father, who played for Unión with the current Millonarios coach. The exciting moment and that undoubtedly also helped the player to finally convince himself to join the team.

“It was exciting. Falcao arrived in Bogotá, I was away and we met, confidentially we were working with the Millonarios sports team, I didn’t know if Falcao was going to like other people being there and I asked the team to be in another room. When we chatted, I told him here’s Gamero, ‘I don’t know if it bothers you that the people from Millonarios come’, and he told me ‘no, how is it going to bother me, where is Gamero, I want to say hello’. I had told Gamero that I was coming, he didn’t believe it and I told him that Falcao wanted to greet him. He froze, entered and they gave each other an exciting hug. They started talking about Falcao’s father, Radamel García, because they were teammates at Unión Magdalena. It was a very nice meeting and all those little things were part of a whole for Falcao to make the decision”, concluded Gustavo Serpa, who in his role has already fulfilled and now only hopes that in sports the objectives are met.

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