The data of millimeters of rain in Santiago this Friday

The data of millimeters of rain in Santiago this Friday
The data of millimeters of rain in Santiago this Friday

A new front system comes with rains in Santiago this Friday and Saturday, days in which a strong intensity of rainfall and even storms in the afternoon hours are expected. Ivan Torres He detailed the amounts of water fall that are expected and we will tell you about them here.


The detail of the rain in Santiago in Iván Torres’ forecast

The meteorologist of TV Weather He was emphatic in pointing out that the rain corresponds to “strong, intense precipitation during the morning and much of the afternoon in the Metropolitan Region and in O’Higgins, Valparaíso, with intense rain.”

The expert even pointed out that the rain in the southat least this Friday, will not be as strong as that which will be recorded in the central area of ​​the country.

The detail of the millimeters of rain in Santiago

Ivan Torres detailed the amount of water fall that will be left by the front systememphasizing the intensity that the rain in Santiago.

In short, the report indicates the following:

  • Up to 90 millimeters in the Metropolitan Region in the total rainfall between Friday and Saturday.
  • Pulses in the southern area of ​​the capital would reach up to 90 millimeters
  • Up to 100 millimeters in the southern area of ​​Santiago.

Check the report on rain in Santiago by Iván Torres

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