The mystery behind the white rock that NASA has discovered on Mars, why is it that color if the rest are black?

The mystery behind the white rock that NASA has discovered on Mars, why is it that color if the rest are black?
The mystery behind the white rock that NASA has discovered on Mars, why is it that color if the rest are black?

Space is a great unknown for humans, and despite all the technological advances and discoveries that this technology allows us to make on Earth, outside of our orbit our explorer capabilities have been more limited.

Although this is something that has been worked on for a long time thanks to international collaboration and the constant growth of both the number of space missions and the International Space Station itself, We have not managed to get beyond the Moon and the closest planet to us, Mars.

Even so, these remain great unknowns, and that is Missions to Mars have and continue to be quite limited. No person has set foot on the red planet, for now we have used controlled robots that have managed to decipher secrets of this planet that apparently are just stones and desert.

Among them, stands out the NASA’s Perseverance rover, which has made a very interesting discovery during this month of June and that is unleashing all kinds of theories among scientists, geologists and other experts who work on these missions.

Due to the limitations of this vehicle and the complicated terrain of Mars, the scientists who control it must take special care when driving it and therefore It only advances about 200 meters each day after planning the route the day before based on what the cameras and the self-navigation system itself show. of Perseverance.

And a few days ago, during one of his expeditions, he saw something totally unusual and unique so far, a white rock. This is enormously striking because until now the little we know about Mars is a sea of ​​black stones and one of a light color had never been seen before.

This has meant a geological milestone, and has led researchers to even name this stone as Atoko Point, being a unique rock, among all those that have been found on Mars. Now the debate is on how said rock got there, some Perseverance scientists suggest that It originated in the planet’s interior magmawhich at some point came to the surface of the planet, while others bet because it originated elsewhere and It was transported there by the currents of a Martian riverwhen millions of years ago there was water on Mars.

Despite being an unprecedented discovery, From NASA they trust that it will not be the only white rock they find, Yes, due to the pace of the rover, it may take a long time until they can find another one, and even more time to get hold of one and try to analyze it, so The mystery of the color of this rock will remain a mystery for even longer.

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