This is the $95,000 Starbucks cup that can be found up to 10 times cheaper in other stores

The information was revealed by Price It influencers, who wondered if it is worth paying so much for the brand’s logo. Wholesale, it would be worth $3,500

In one of Price It’s most recent videosthe influencer Juan Daniel Hidalgo and the team of influencers who manage the account, revealed that the same glass they sell in Starbucks at $95,000 can be obtained at a much lower value elsewhere. Even in the short film the presenter shows that in front of one of the famous coffee brand stores, There is a Miniso store where they cost $29,900.

But that’s not all, it turns out that if you search for this type of glasses on websites like Alibaba or Aliexpress, and wait a few weeks for the product to arrive at your home, you can find the same glass probably brought from China for only 8,000 Colombian pesos.

When it seems that the video has already revealed the biggest bargain, Hidalgo provides additional information. If these same glasses are purchased in bulk, They can get about $3,000 each. Reason why the influencer asked his followers if it’s worth paying so much for a plastic container that It would only have the Starbucks logo as a differential detail.

What is Price It?

Price It is the online project of lawyer Juan Daniel Hidalgowho has experience in data analysis and a team of partners who are behind their cheap prices project that is not limited to the information they provide via Instagram and TikTok, But they also have a very complete website where you can make comparisons between the prices of different Colombian stores.

They have not only stood out for comparing prices from supermarkets and stores such as Dollarcity or Miniso, but also for teaching savings and investment techniques and even how to economically make daily food products at home.


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