What saints are celebrated today? Know the saints for Tuesday, June 25

What saints are celebrated today? Know the saints for Tuesday, June 25
What saints are celebrated today? Know the saints for Tuesday, June 25

Saint Maximus of Turin It is celebrated today, Tuesday, June 25, 2024 according to the calendar of Christian saints, among other names.

Saint Maximus of Turin, spiritual apprentice of Saint Eusebius of Vercelli, was the first bishop of Turin in the first quarter of the 5th century. As a zealous and scholarly pastor, he dedicated much of his time to spreading the divine word. His sermons and ascetic writings, which are attributed to him, reflect his religious devotion and his deep spiritual understanding.

The Catholic Church celebrates the name day of some of the canonized people every day of the year. Today Tuesday, June 25, 2024 is Saint Maximus of Turin and 9634 in Spain celebrate their saint. Although today it is known for the day mentioned above, people named Adalbert, Eurosia, Francisco Do Minh Chieu, Galicano of Alexandria, William of Goleto, Moloch of Scotland, Prospero of Aquitaine, Prospero of Reggio, Solomon of Brittany also commemorate his name day. , Sosíprato, Tigris de Maurienne and Domingo Henares.

Today, Tuesday, June 25, 2024, there are many Saints and saints that are celebrated on the occasion of this Catholic tradition that is so intrinsic in our daily culture. Discover on ABC all the names of the saints that are celebrated today.

This festival has meant that, at least once a year, Christians can celebrate the day on which the saint who bears their name was canonized. But what does this mean? celebrate the saint It is to celebrate the exemplary life of those Christians who preceded us and who bear our name. And, although it has less and less impact on society compared to previous times, there are many who still actively celebrate this day.

The saints that are celebrated today are collected in the Roman Martyrology and that is where they are officially extracted from. It is a book that the Vatican updates to include the canonizations that take place each year.

Saints of today June 25

Although today’s celebration is Saint Maximus of Turin, the saints list is much larger so today they also commemorate their saint Adalbert, Eurosia, Francisco Do Minh Chieu, Galicano of Alexandria, William of Goleto, Moloch of Scotland, Prospero of Aquitaine, Prospero of Reggio, Solomon of Brittany, Sosipratus, Tigris by Maurienne and Domingo Henares. This is because today, June 25, is also the onomastics of:

© Library of Christian Authors (JL Repetto, All Saints. 2007)

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