‘It will continue to play a very important role’ – El Financiero

‘It will continue to play a very important role’ – El Financiero
‘It will continue to play a very important role’ – El Financiero

After Gerardo Fernández Noroña said that Morena did not respect agreements with the selection of the bench coordinators in the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies, the virtual president-elect, Claudia Sheinbaum, came out to calm things down and He assured that he will speak with him to discuss the issue.

“It is incorrect that they say that the commitments are fulfilled and then make tricks to not fulfill them,” said Noroña because when the ‘consolation’ charges were agreed to those who participated in the survey for the presidential candidacy, they said that the first places They would have the coordination of Morena on the benches of the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies.

The former PT deputy, who jumped to Morena in this election, said that he came in third place in the polls, below Marcelo Ebrard and Claudia Sheinbaum, and that as a senator he expected the coordination of the cherry bench or a position in the Cabinet; However, those chosen to coordinate Morena in the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate respectively will be Ricardo Monreal, who came sixth in the survey, and Adam Augusto Lopez, who was practically tied with Noroña in the survey.

Claudia Sheinbaum responded to Noroña’s complaint and said that “she will continue to play a very important role in the movement, in raising awareness, in training… people love Gerardo very much”.

He also pointed out that he will have time to talk with him to address the disagreements regarding his position for the next six-year term, and that “He is a first-class companion of the movement, and there doesn’t have to be (controversies), neither from our militancy nor from Gerardo himself or anything… he is part of the movement and in a very important way and always our respect and recognition.”

Sheinbaum stressed that Noroña entered last year’s presidential candidate selection poll representing the PT, a party in which he had been for decades, and although ““They are all part of the same movement.”emphasized the difference in parties.

Neither the next President of Mexico nor the Morena leadership, headed by Mario Delgado, have guaranteed any change in the decision regarding the position that Noroña will occupy in the next six-year term.

Meanwhile, Noroña, who won a multi-member senatorship, said that “If you want I’ll give them back to you”as a reflection of his annoyance at the decisions of the ruling party.

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