They will develop a campaign in La Plata so that those who need electricity and gas subsidies can keep them

They will develop a campaign in La Plata so that those who need electricity and gas subsidies can keep them
They will develop a campaign in La Plata so that those who need electricity and gas subsidies can keep them

The Municipality of La Plata and the Electrical Energy Control Agency of the Province of Buenos Aires (OCEBA) will develop an information and advice campaign so that those who have electricity and gas subsidies can keep them.

It is worth remembering that, weeks ago, the national government established that those who have discounts on services based on the data matching promoted during the launch of the benefit – such as retirees, pensioners, people with disabilities and ex-combatants – must register manually to maintain it.

To sign up, interested parties must access the platform “My Argentina” or visit the OCEBA User Service Center, located at 49 No. 687, within the next 30 days.

To register, you must have your ID, electricity and gas bills, personal income data, email address and CUIL number for both the owner and any cohabitants on hand.

Then, you must enter or access the Mi Argentina application, click on “Register for RASE”, accept that the information declared is true and complete the questions.

It is worth noting, on the other hand, that agents of the Municipality schedule meetings with those affected, who are a total of 18 thousand families in the city, while providing assistance in the different delegations of the party, facilitating and guiding the registration process.

“It is very important that you complete the process and register to keep the subsidy. From the Municipality we are working to convene all affected sectors so that they are aware of this situation and help them resolve their doubts and register in the communal delegations “said the mayor Julio Alakafter a meeting with the vice president of OCEBA, Roberto Daoud.

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