An investigation will be opened into the resemblance between Sofía Herrera and the daughter of Carlos Pérez

An investigation will be opened into the resemblance between Sofía Herrera and the daughter of Carlos Pérez
An investigation will be opened into the resemblance between Sofía Herrera and the daughter of Carlos Pérez

Sofia Herrera’s mother.jpg

Sofía Herrera disappeared on September 28, 2008 in Río Grande

As a result of this, they will request data from the National Registry of Persons (RENAPER) to obtain the birth certificate of Pérez’s daughter and from Immigration to find out if the minor was in Tierra del Fuego with her parents, although she anticipated that Responses to these reports will take a long time.

“Information was requested from the Navy regarding the status of one of the detained people, who would be the father of this girl (Carlos Pérez), and to see if he was actually in Ushuaiaif he retired in Ushuaia as reported and during what period he was in the city of Ushuaia or in the province included,” said the prosecutor.

What Sofia Herrera’s mother said after the comparisons with the daughter of the couple arrested in the Loan case

Her mother, Maria Elena Delgado, spoke about the matter on Tuesday and denied the resemblance. “The woman (Brisa’s mother) says she is 14 years old. If she is that age she could never be my daughter. They filled me with messages with the photo of Pérez’s daughter and I saw the little girl, but I don’t find her very similar to my daughter Sofía.“, he said in conversation with radio Mitre.

She also said that in recent years, various DNA tests had been carried out on young people who had characteristics similar to those of the girl, who would be 19 years old today.

Regarding the current case, Delgado also referred to the versions of what could have happened to Loan. “It is very distressing to turn on the television in the morning; One wants to see that Loan appeared and unfortunately today it has been 12 days and there is no information about him. “It is frustrating for everyone,” he lamented.

In this same framework, he compared both cases and considered that in neither of the two can it be determined precisely “for what purpose they were taken.” “In my case, Daughter, we are like the first day. A lot of work has been done and the file is huge, but There is not a single piece of information that leads us to know where it may be.“, he said and pointed out: “It may be a Illegal adoption because nothing of my daughter was ever found in all the areas where she was searched for”.

“Maybe she has another identity and doesn’t even know she is Sofia HerreraI was here last year in a town in Chile and Nobody knows that there is a search for my daughter because the police are changed every three or four years and they have no knowledge. There was no more talk about her there either,” he continued.

Finally, the woman assured that she remains hopeful about finding the girl and that that is what “keeps going” every day.

Sofia Herrera’s disappearance: what happened

On September 28, 2008, Delgado and her husband Fabián Herrera were vacationing at the John Goodall campground in Río Grande. After 11:30 that day, the minor, then three years old, became separated from her parents and there has been no news of her since.

The scene of the incident was a almost desert area of ​​15 hectaresfenced with a wire one meter high and six threads that was immediately investigated. The police officers and the dogs specialized in search and raking marked a nearby area, but the trail disappeared a few meters further. The hypotheses were various: from the fact that the little girl fell into a stream to the fact that she was taken by a condor or an eagle. As the days passed, the possibility that she was kidnapped was added, a version that her mother has maintained since then.

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