“Bad debate nights happen,” Barack Obama comes to the rescue of Joe Biden’s campaign after his troubled face-to-face with Donald Trump

“Bad debate nights happen,” Barack Obama comes to the rescue of Joe Biden’s campaign after his troubled face-to-face with Donald Trump
“Bad debate nights happen,” Barack Obama comes to the rescue of Joe Biden’s campaign after his troubled face-to-face with Donald Trump

In the midst of Joe Biden’s worst moment in his re-election race, when many in the Democratic Party are asking him to step aside from his candidacy, Barack Obama decided to come to his rescue with a categorical message on social media, after the current president’s poor performance in Thursday night’s presidential debate with Donald Trump.

“Bad nights of debate happen”Obama said. “Believe me, I know,” he added, trying to downplay the role Biden left in his appearance on CNN, in which he looked hesitant, at times lost, contradictory and above all weak facing an empowered Trump, who took advantage of every moment he could to show himself as the best candidate for the White House.

“This election is still a choice between someone who has fought for everyday people his entire life and someone who only cares about himself. Between someone who tells the truth; that distinguishes good from evil and will give it to the American people directly, and someone who lies through their teeth for their own benefit“, Obama said.

The former president was categorical in that sense. “That didn’t change last night, and that’s why the stakes are so high in November,” Obama wrote.

Last night, before almost 48 million people who watched it on CNN and countless others who followed the subsequent repercussions on networks, Biden’s main mission was to defend his management, but above all to clear up doubts about his age and mental acuity.

A poll after the face-to-face meeting showed the Democrat’s failure in that objective: the news channel that organized the meeting revealed that for 67% of voters Trump had won the debate, while only 33% favored the president. .


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In that context, an opinion column by Thomas Friedman, one of the most prominent writers of The New York Times, served as the perfect summary of the feelings of many of his supporters amid the violent emotion that the debate generated in them.

“I cannot remember a more heartbreaking moment in American presidential campaign politics in my lifetime, precisely because of what it revealed: Joe Biden, a good man and a good president, does not have to run for re-election“, Friedman wrote.

Biden reappeared after the debate and said he wants to win

Biden’s poor performance has many Democrats questioning his continued candidacy. However, He was in charge of denying versions that he would decline his reelection when he reappeared today, Friday, at a campaign event.

“I’m in North Carolina for a reason, because I intend to win this state in November.“If we win here, we win the elections,” he said.

In that mass bath, in which the followers constantly interrupted his speech in favor of four more years of his in power, Biden tried to calm the fear aroused in his ranks by defending his fitness for office.

President Joe Biden and his wife Jill at a campaign event in North Carolina. AP Photo.

“I wouldn’t run again if I didn’t believe with all my heart and soul that I could do the job. There’s too much at stake,” he said. The 81-year-old Democrat admitted that he doesn’t walk “as easily” as he used to, that he doesn’t speak “as fluidly” and that he doesn’t debate as well as he did in the past. “But this is what I know. I know how to tell the truth. I know how to do my job. Obviously I know I’m not a young man“.

In his opinion, in the elections on November 5 there is a clear option: “Donald Trump will destroy democracy. I will defend it. (…) Are we going to let Trump attack our democracy again? I don’t believe it“.

Biden took advantage of the stage to emphasize that in their face-to-face meeting on Thursday, which took place on the CNN set in Atlanta, the Republican politician “broke a new record for lies in a single debate.”

“I spent 90 minutes debating with a guy who has the morals of a stray cat,” he stressed, repeating an expression also used the day before. The president was accompanied by the first lady, Jill Biden.

Wearing a black dress printed with the word VOTE in white, she was the first to defend her husband’s questioned performance Thursday.


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“Yesterday you saw Joe Biden, a president with integrity and personality, who told the truth. Joe has helped heal our country and is helping us all recover from the chaos of the previous Administration,” he concluded.

Biden has a six-point disadvantage against Trump in the average of polls in North Carolina and if the debate negatively affects the intention to vote for the Democrat, the margin would be an abyss in statistical terms.

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