The Municipality visited more than 70 businesses to celebrate the International LGBTIQ+ Pride Day

The Municipality visited more than 70 businesses to celebrate the International LGBTIQ+ Pride Day
The Municipality visited more than 70 businesses to celebrate the International LGBTIQ+ Pride Day

In commemoration of the LGBTIQ+ Pride Dayhe The Municipality held a special activity on Friday morning.

During the day, a tour of local businesses was carried out. The objective was to promote good treatment in the care of people from the LGBTIQ+ community, through informal talks on promotion and prevention from a human rights perspective.

The activity was a clear example of the Commitment of the commune to inclusion and respect for diversityd. Through these actions, we seek not only to celebrate Pride, but also promote a more just and equitable society. Thus, all citizens can live without fear of being discriminated against due to their identity or sexual orientation.

It is important to highlight that in a global context where many barriers still exist, events like this are crucial to moving towards a more inclusive world.

Development of the Day

The activities were developed in pairs, where The importance of respect and inclusion was discussed with merchantsIn addition, emphasis was placed on the need to raise awareness about situations of discrimination and how to reduce discriminatory actions towards people in the group.

Also, stickers with Management contacts and commemorative ribbons were deliveredas symbols of support and solidarity.

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