June 29 holiday in Peru: Review the rule on who should rest on this day | ANSWERS

June 29 holiday in Peru: Review the rule on who should rest on this day | ANSWERS
June 29 holiday in Peru: Review the rule on who should rest on this day | ANSWERS

After the June 7 holiday for Flag Day, a new national holiday is approaching on the 2024 calendar of Peru. Without a doubt, a date for all citizens to enjoy a well-deserved rest, a trip or enjoy time with family or friends. In that sense, we will tell you below when it falls, what anniversaries we celebrate and for whom the day off on June 29 applies so that you can better plan your rest.

Workers in both the public and private sectors in Peru will be able to enjoy the holiday of the month of June thanks to an event that constitutes one of the most important liturgical festivities of Christianity.

Framed in the calendar of saints, the Catholic Church annually celebrates the solemnity of the Saint Peter and Pablofigures who are honored as founders of the Church of Rome, and who, according to the words of Pope Benedict XVI, together always represented the entire Gospel of Christ.

According to information shared by the portal of the Vaticanthe first of them, Pedrowhose given name was Simon, was born in Bethsaida, but lived in Capernaum and worked as a fisherman on Lake Tiberias.

After his approach to Jesus Christ, the Patron Apostle of the City of Rome Together with his brother Andrew, he witnessed events such as the resurrection of Jairus’ daughter, the transfiguration, and the agony in the Garden of Olives.

With respect to Pabloalso known as the “Apostle to the Gentiles”, the Vatican reports that from his father, who was a line weaver, he learned the art of manufacturing, and along the way of his apostolic life he founded several Christian communities, and wrote some of the first canonical writings.

Likewise, another of the great considerations that exalt his image is linked to the early Church, and he is widely recognized for his conversion since at the beginning he was a blasphemer, persecutor and fervent enemy of Christ.

The consequent conversion of Saint Paul It was a pure miracle of God’s grace after meeting and coinciding on the way to Damascus because according to what Pope Benedict XVI said, “It was not simply a conversion, but rather a death and resurrection for Paul himself.”.

So much Pedro as Pablo They died tragically on the orders of Nero, and as Christian tradition tells us, the martyrdom of both occurred on the same day. June 29 in the year 67, after the first of them was crucified upside down as a prisoner in the circus of the emperor of the Roman Empire located on the Vatican Hill, while the second was sentenced to death to be decapitated on the Via Ostiense.

It should be noted that the Basilicas of Saint Peter and Saint Paul outside the walls are currently erected and built on their tombs.

After the celebration of the 06/29 In Peru, both labor sectors, although with different specifications, and in most cases, will be able to take advantage of the continuation of the days with another compensable non-working day in 2023.

The National Superintendency of Labor Supervision (Sunafil) reminds that all workers must enjoy paid rest on June 29, the day on which the festival of Saints Peter and Saints Paul is celebrated.

That is why, those who are going to work on that date, due to some special need of the company or because they have rotating shifts, and they are not going to be granted a day of rest to replace the holiday, They must receive triple payment for that day worked.

– One remuneration corresponds to the holiday, which is already included in the monthly remuneration.

– The daily remuneration corresponding to the work performed.

– An additional amount, which is equivalent to a surcharge of 100% of the daily remuneration, corresponding to the work performed.

According to Supreme Decree 11-2024-PCM, published in the Legal Standards Bulletin of the Official Gazette El Peruano, the non-working days for this year are the following:

– Friday, July 26, 2024.

– Monday, October 7, 2024.

– Friday, December 6, 2024.

– Monday, December 23, 2024.

– Tuesday, December 24, 2024.

– Monday, December 30, 2024.

– Tuesday, December 31, 2024.


Saturday June 29: Saint Peter and Saint Paul.

1- New Year

2/3- Thursday and Good Friday

4- Labor Day

5- Battle of Arica and Flag Day

6- Saint Peter and Saint Paul

7- Peruvian Air Force Day

8 / 9- National Holidays

10- Battle of Junín

11- Saint Rose of Lima

12- Battle of Angamos

13- All Saints’ Day

14- Day of the Immaculate Conception

15- Battle of Ayacucho

16- Christmas

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