That the University of Chile opens to the community is an example of how public education is done.”

That the University of Chile opens to the community is an example of how public education is done.”
That the University of Chile opens to the community is an example of how public education is done.”

In this interview, the director of the educational establishment in Ñuñoa, describes the valuable link that the institution has established, which he leads jointly with the University of Chile, through the Cultural Platform, a building close to its facilities and which today seeks to expand its territorial work through courses, workshops and cultural activities.

Professor of Basic Education and Master in Educational Management, Manuel González, currently leads the pedagogical team of the Juan Moya Morales Schoollocated in the town of Los Presidentes de Ñuñoa and which today provides training to more than 500 children and adolescents, who study subjects from kindergarten to eighth grade.

Characterized by the implementation of innovative pedagogical techniques, such as Project Based Learning and Peer Tutoring, The establishment led by González began direct work with the Cultural Platform of the University of Chile, space that schoolchildren have been able to visit through various activities and visits. From the Museum of American Popular Art (MAPA), through the Cineteca of the University of Chile, the Virtual Reality Laboratory for Video Games and Emerging Technologies (XR-LABS), and the screening rooms, they make up this cultural infrastructure.

Along these lines, the structure located on the Juan Gómez Millas campus, It is installed in the territory as a cultural center, destined for artistic creation, the protection of heritage, and also for innovation, extension and links with the environment.

“For us it is essential to have been able to achieve this link and understanding with the Cultural Platform in its call to impact the community, in this case, with what the school requires and can be tremendously beneficial,” commented the educator.

How did this connection with the Cultural Platform come about?

It was a moment when three key people crossed paths at the right time.

The Cultural Platform team was looking to expand networks with the community and reached out to the Ñuñoa Corporation, where through conversations the idea of ​​linking up with our school arose.

Why is this link with the Cultural Platform so valuable?

WeWe are always telling boys and girls to take advantage of their potential, that they can go continue with secondary education so that they can continue to develop and thus be able to go to university. However, It is very different to instill this in the classroom, versus doing it in the university spaces themselves, where they observe and live that environment.

So, this is a great opportunity provided by the Cultural Platform as part of the University of Chile, an institution that allows a class of basic education children who are just beginning their training, to say that they had an activity and learned at the university. They arrive with a story that will remain for the rest of their lives, since they know that this dream can be achieved., So for us it becomes tremendously important. That the University of Chile opens up to the community is an example of how public education is done.

What are the activities that you have been part of at the Cultural Platform?

For the celebration of Heritage Day we had an incredible experience with Anthropology. Additionally, we participate in exhibitions at the Museum of American Folk Art. The University has invited the boys and girls to watch movies and we have used the Platform facilities for our activities.

Likewise, workshop leaders have come to the school and literature courses have been held. One of the most wonderful aspects of this bond that has been formed is that not only can we go to the University, but the students also come here and work through activities.

What experiences do you see as joint work with the University of Chile?

We work with Project-Based Learning, which is where the area of ​​mathematics, science and related to music and art are. In accordance with this, we have discussed the possibility of using the Platform to present our projects. In this sense, it is not only a product of the school itself, but it allows us to connect with a larger world where Pedagogy students will be able to go and see it. There is a lot of things that can be done, it is very large and the Platform is available for these activities and we like for people to take advantage of and value what we are capable of doing at school and also take advantage of what they are offering us.

Had you worked with the University of Chile before?

We have always had a close relationship, I have been invited to some presentations, but not in a work maintained over time as is happening now and which is greatly appreciated. In other words, this is a program, we have sat down to design and analyze what activities will be carried out.

For example, for the celebration of Heritage Day on the Juan Gómez Millas campus, they invited the school band to play and it was a perfect fit because the challenge for our students who make up the group The Moyas Band was to go out and play outside and what could be better? to go to the University of Chile. So things happen in due time, but also in the best space.

How do you evaluate your future relationship with the Cultural Platform?

For us, it is essential to have been able to achieve this link and understanding with the Cultural Platform in its call to impact the community.In this case, with what the school requires and can be tremendously beneficial, everything is coinciding enormously.

I hope that many educational communities can have opportunities like this.the possibility of accessing quality spaces that the University of Chile has and being able to give boys and girls the opportunity to live that rich feeling of walking through a faculty, I believe that being able to put students there from a young age alone For them to observe, it is a tremendous gift and it also comes accompanied by high-quality activities such as exhibitions, staging, films, etc.

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