Snow in Buenos Aires: videos of snowfall near Mar del Plata

Snow in Buenos Aires: videos of snowfall near Mar del Plata
Snow in Buenos Aires: videos of snowfall near Mar del Plata

Within the framework of the cold wave that whips the Buenos Aires province and several areas of the country, this Friday At night, the first reports of snowfall appeared in towns in Buenos Aires.

Specifically, they were recorded some snowfall on Friday night and early Saturday morning in the towns of Sierra de los Padres and Fuller.

X from ArgentinaDespegacesco
X by German Lagrasta
X for Meteor
From mardelplataweb_’s Instagram
From mardelplataweb_’s Instagram

Frost and snow forecasts in Buenos Aires

The engineer Eduardo Rollero shared a new map that alert for the arrival of a strong frost for Sunday, June 30 throughout the Buenos Aires territorywhile there could be snowfall on Saturday in some locations.

In this way, together with the low temperatures, Heavy to light frosts are expected, while snow could fall in some areas of the Buenos Aires coast..

“For those who ask about snow, according to the European model #ECMWFthe American #GFS and the model #COSMO of the #INMET Brazilian, we have high chances of snow and snow over the area of #Necochea #Miramar in the province of #BsAs Starting Friday and Saturday, June 29th”he reported.

What has to happen for snow to fall in Buenos Aires?

It is not common for them to be recorded snowfall in Buenos Aires, because it has a temperate climate, with relatively mild winters. Besides, It is located in a coastal area, which means that the air temperature is usually moderated by the presence of the sea..

However, it is not impossible for it to snow in Buenos Aires. In fact, it has snowed in the city on several occasions throughout history, and the last time it snowed significantly was in 2007.

For snow to fall in Buenos Aires, It takes a combination of several factors:

1. Cold air:

  • The temperature in all layers of the atmosphere, from the surface to the height where clouds form, must be equal to or less than 0°C.
  • It is not enough for the surface temperature to be low, because if the air in the upper layers is warm, the snowflakes will melt before reaching the ground.

2. Precipitation:

  • Precipitation in the form of snow is necessary.
  • This means that the clouds must be at a low enough temperature so that the ice crystals do not melt and turn into raindrops.

3. Humidity:

  • The presence of water vapor in the atmosphere is essential for the formation of clouds.
  • The more humid the atmosphere, the more likely it is that clouds will form and produce snow.
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