The individual regulated gas rate maintains its price as of July 1

The individual regulated gas rate maintains its price as of July 1
The individual regulated gas rate maintains its price as of July 1

Madrid, Jun 29 (EFECOM).- The individual Last Resort Rate (TUR) for gas, without taxes, will maintain the same price as that set for the quarter that began on April 1, when it fell by an average of 3% due to the lower cost of raw materials.

The Official State Gazette (BOE) updates this Saturday the prices of the last resort rates, also known as regulated, for the quarter that begins next Monday.

This is the first review in which the limit on the impact of the price of raw materials established by royal decree in September 2021 is not applied, a measure that, according to sources from the Ministry for the Ecological Transition, has had a cost of 688 million euros.

The measure was launched to address the increase in gas prices on the markets and established that the maximum increase in the cost of raw materials in the reviews would be 15%, establishing a mechanism to recover the deficit generated by the measure in the gas system through successive increases in the cost of raw materials, with the established limit of 15%.

For the next three months the individual TUR remains at the same price, given that the variation in the price of the raw material from April 1 to now has been less than the 2% established by the regulations.

For its part, the neighborhood TUR, a rate for communities of owners that was born in response to the energy crisis and that the Government has made indefinite, will increase for the quarter that begins on July 1 between 0.61% and 0. .87%.

The natural gas TUR is a regulated tariff that any consumer connected to natural gas networks with a pressure less than or equal to 4 bars and whose annual consumption is less than or equal to 50,000 kilowatt hours (kWh) can benefit from.

In October 2022, it was extended by royal decree to include communities of owners and energy service companies that provide them with services.

The natural gas TUR is reviewed quarterly on January 1, April, July and October of each year, and is updated whenever the cost of the raw material included in the rate experiences an upward or downward variation of more than 2% with respect to the current rate or when new tolls or fees come into force.

In September 2021, Royal Decree-Law 17/2021, on urgent measures to mitigate the impact of the escalation of natural gas prices in the retail gas and electricity markets, limited the increase in the cost of raw materials included in the retail gas and electricity markets to 15%. the TUR in force on January 1, 2022, a measure that was extended until the review on April 1, 2024 and that expires as of July 1.

Already in this review, the cost of the raw material depends on the cost of base gas and the new cost of this in this review would be 2.63 euro cents per kilowatt hour, which represents a slight increase of 0.95% compared to at the current rate.

The increase is due to the rise in the price of a barrel of Brent crude oil (0.20%), the depreciation of the euro against the dollar, which was 0.79%, since the seasonal gas reference is not included in this update, which only occurs in the revisions of the first and fourth quarters.

In the case of the neighborhood TUR, the cost of the raw material is 2.63 euro cents/kWh, 0.95% higher than that used in the rate in force since April 1.

As of July 1, the variable term of the neighborhood TUR, of which there are different typologies depending on annual consumption, increases between 0.61% and 0.87%.

The increase for TUR 4 will be 0.61%, for TUR 5, 0.63%, for TUR 6, 0.74%, for TUR 7, 0.84%, for TUR 8, 0.85%, for TUR 9, also 0.85%, for TUR 10, 0.86%, and for TUR 11, 0.87%.

Until April, the National Markets and Competition Commission (CNMC), in charge of the settlements of the gas system, paid 688 million euros to the TUR marketers for the 15% limitation on the increase in the cost of raw materials and for the temporary rate applied to the communities of owners, but from now on no new payments are planned, and this amount can be considered the total cost. EFECOM


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