Gala Caldirola recited a particular poem to Austin Palao in the reality show on Channel 13 – Publimetro Chile

One of the conquests more direct in realityWin or serve? back to the past is what is being done Gala Caldirola with Austin Palauwhom he met a few weeks before the confinement and they had a connection that was sealed with a kiss after meeting in Brazil.

The Spanish woman has approached the young Peruvian to get to know him more, and has mentioned that she feels that it is destiny that brought them together again in the Channel 13 reality show. In the last episode of the program, Caldirola dedicated a poem to Palao, which he recited to him while they were in the patio.


Win or serve? Deliver or receive? Are the gentlemen the best positioned or those who ultimately serve the luckiest? They say that the most coveted is what is simple, but everyone wants to live well off,” the Spanish woman’s poem began.

Love, delivery, intention, conflict, crying, emotion. Past present Future. Finally, we are all still in the same world,” Gala recited as she looked him directly in the eyes, and Austin looked back at her.

Caldirola asked him if he liked the poem, and Palao told him that it was good. “It is the idea, the concept. Then everything can be modified so that with little music it sounds like ‘ah’, do you like it?” commented the Spanish woman, and the young man replied that “now they will give it a melody.”

Reactions to Gala’s verses

In social networks, People expressed their opinions after the poem that Gala Caldirola recited to Austin Palao. The reception was not entirely positive, with some stating that the moment caused them embarrassment, while others emphasized the indifference they perceived from the young man.

“La Gala said a poem to Austin, I wish I had his confidence in love”; “Shame on others for the ‘poem’ of the Gala”; “Gala says a poem to Austin and he, I don’t know if it’s like that or he doesn’t like mine at all but nothing”; “what an irony the Gala poem”, among other comments.

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