Are you entering the Channel 13 reality show?: Ignacia Michelson reveals that she will join a confinement

Are you entering the Channel 13 reality show?: Ignacia Michelson reveals that she will join a confinement
Are you entering the Channel 13 reality show?: Ignacia Michelson reveals that she will join a confinement

Weeks after its premiere, Win or Serve? has given a lot to talk about. The bet of Channel 13 It has brought good results and surprises are still expected, such as new income that will complicate relationships within the reality show.

And although at the beginning Ignacia Michelson He indicated that he had no interest in being on this program, it is likely that the DJ will join the competition. This was recently pointed out by the model, when she assured that she will enter a confinement.

“There are many projects. “I’m going to a reality show, I can’t say much,” she began, pointing out Marcianeke’s ex. The last time Michelson entered a reality show was on Big Brotherwhere he left the broom with his income, so it would be a good card for the production of 13.

“I actually have two reality shows. One is very close, very close“added Ignacia, which led social media users to be excited about seeing her inside the house located in Peru.

Regarding the role she will have in her next adventures, she indicated that she was willing to enter the program as the “bad guy.” “I love playing the villain. The villains always have a better time than the good ones.. But there are neither good nor bad,” he commented, although he clarified that “we are people, sometimes we get angry, sometimes we support. People are a duality.”

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