Virginia fearlessly cornered Darío but the move went wrong and she ended up being relegated in Big Brother: “He had gone to bed”

Definitely, Big Brother It is one of the most watched and chosen programs in recent times. Every day we experience unique moments that do not go unnoticed.

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A few hours ago, the tension in the most famous house in the country reached its peak when Darío Martínez Corti and Virginia Demo got into a heated discussion, triggered by comments about coexistence and relationships between the participants.

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The moment Virginia cornered Darío in Big Brother:

Virginia, known as the “What in” in the reality show, he expressed his discontent with the presence of what he considers the most controversial player in Big Brother. His outrage came to a head when he mentioned a past incident between his son Francisco and another contestant, Furia.

According to witnesses inside the house, Darío did not take long to respond to Virginia’s accusations, bringing to light other aspects of their coexistence that he considered relevant. He mentioned that he had broached the issue with both her son and her privately, attempting to resolve the matter discreetly in Big Brother.

“It didn’t bother me because I talked about it with him and her. cWhen it came to your daughter, I didn’t go into the room and tell everyone that Delfina was with the Chinese… And your daughter went in at night and got into the Chinese man’s bed. However, When Furia was in bed with my son, the first thing you did was come out and say that he had fallen into bed.”.

The exchange of accusations continued, with Darío questioning the way Virginia handled the situation and Virginia trying to defend herself against the accusations. However, the turning point came when Virginia recognized her mistake and extended an apology to Dario and her son.

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After realizing that she had made a mistake, Virginia acknowledged that it was wrong and apologized:

You are right about that. Now that you say it from this place, I apologize. What I want you to understand is that I thought it was going to be something normal at home.something of public knowledge Nothing more.

“I apologize again, Pancho, if nothing happened.” And he finished: “I apologize again, I thought they were going to come out and laugh. And that’s it.”

As expected, the moment did not go unnoticed and caught the attention of fans of the program hosted by Santiago del Moro.

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