Licha Navarro spoke about her confusing present: “I am in total uncertainty”

Licha Navarro spoke about her confusing present: “I am in total uncertainty”
Licha Navarro spoke about her confusing present: “I am in total uncertainty”

Written in SHOWS he 4/6/2024 · 08:48 am

For the last 13 years he worked as a financial advisor and his life was spent among banks when, suddenly, the phenomenon of Big Brother. It was his banking colleagues who encouraged him to sign up to participate in the Telefe reality show and Lisandro Navarro (33) took courage, filled out the form and sent it.

Lisandro Navarro

A few weeks later, he was informed that he had been chosen to be part of the most famous house in the country and his life would take a 180-degree turn. “Yes, it literally changed my life. Now I am in a moment of total uncertainty because I am getting to know a new world, which is that of television and fame, but for me it is all totally new because until I entered the program, I had never filmed myself in front of a camera,” he said. Licha to Nico Peralta for Soon.


-I didn’t have Tik Tok and had never recorded a video. I had no idea about the life of an influencer and suddenly I find myself in a very happy moment but with many uncertainties. So much to enjoy all this to the fullest as long as it lasts. And I want to train myself so I can start generating my career, whether in acting, modeling or wherever. I am happy living this new experience.

Lisandro Navarro

-If you had never recorded yourself, why did you sign up for Big Brother? What were you looking for?

-I had never encouraged myself to sign up and my friends pushed me. Many years ago they were telling me: “Hey, you have to dedicate yourself to this, we don’t see you working in a bank all your life or behind a desk.” In all the jobs I had, my co-workers always told me the same thing. “Flaco, what are you doing here?” they asked me. Because of my personality and how I focus on appearance and personal care, no one understood what I was doing working in finance.


-A friend finished convincing me. “Hey, come on, do the casting, I’ll help you with the video,” he told me and he ended up convincing me. I sent it without imagining that they were going to call me. I didn’t even think by chance that they were going to call me up. I was convinced that so many people signed up, that the chance was one in a million. That’s why I’m so grateful for the opportunity they gave me.

Lisandro Navarro

-Where were you when they called you?

-I received a message just when I was starting a romantic relationship with Mili, my current girlfriend. We met in July of last year and I entered the house in December. It was five or so months of relationship and I entered GH. It turns out that when I got the message, I was out of work and wondering what the hell to do with my life. It was at the right time. “Finally I get a good one,” I thought.

-Had you lost your job?

-Yes, they had kicked me out. I worked for eight years in banks: I started as a teller and ended up as a company officer. When I left there, I joined a company to work in the investment part. In February they fired me and in July the company went into bankruptcy. Today he is in judicial proceedings and that led me to go through a great depression because my life savings were left in there and who knows when I will collect them.

Lisandro Navarro

-Lets see if I understand. Did you have all your savings in the company where you worked and it went bankrupt?

-Exact. I had invested my entire life savings there and although they gave me a five-year payment reprofile, I still didn’t collect anything. It is when the company tells you that it does not have the liquidity to pay you now but that in five years it could pay you. I didn’t charge anything for myself or for the clients I had. I worked as an employee for that company.

-Did that make you depressed?

-Yes, a lot because I had family and friends who had also invested there because they knew me. That guilt bothered me a lot. To my credit, I would tell you that it was the least important thing to me. In the middle of all that, I met Mili, my girlfriend.

Lisandro Navarro
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