Orange has the best possible news for sports lovers

It had previously been announced that Orange TV would cover the 2024 Olympic Games through the availability of the Eurosport channel on its television schedule. This was, without a doubt, very good news. But now the operator has announced something even more Important: that all new Eurosport channels will also be available on your service.

More sport without any added cost

Taking into account that the Olympic Games are going to have no more and no less than 32 different sports, you can imagine that, if you want to see absolutely everything, one channel is not going to be enough. Eurosport will maintain the main broadcast, the bulk of the competition, the summaries and everything that is considered essential. But it won’t cover all broadcasts, especially as there will be tests that will have complicated schedules and require separate coverage.

For this reason, Eurosport is preparing a batch of new channels that will allow viewers to enjoy the competition to the fullest. Although one could have imagined that, perhaps, they would be left behind a payment barrier or a service like Max, the truth is that Orange has managed, as it has announced, to have it all. To do this, they have signed an agreement with Warner Bros. Discoverythe company that has the rights and will use them on its Max streaming platform.

More than 300 events with medals

The weeks in which they develop The Olympic Games are going to be full of emotion. There will be more than ten thousand athletes who will appear in Paris to participate in their respective disciplines and try to win one of the many medals that will be distributed. With more than 200 participating countries, it is obvious that it will be a competition full of surprises and from which it is expected that new Olympic champions will emerge.

In addition to the new Eurosport channels that Orange TV will also have available, the service will give access to Eurosport 4K. This will be the main channel for those users who want to enjoy the maximum visual quality during the competition, allowing us to see the most important tests with a resolution that will leave us delighted.

In the previous edition of the Olympic Games, which was held in Tokyo, There were more than 300 Spanish athletes who participated in the competition. On this occasion it remains to be seen how many qualify, but many of the disciplines in which we are going to have a presence have already been confirmed. In addition, some of the names that will represent us are also known. For example, we will have a great representation in the boxing category, for which five fighters from the men’s category and one from the women’s category have qualified. There will also be athletes in fencing, gymnastics, horse riding, swimming, judo, rowing, surfing or taekwondo.

Of course, team sports teams will not be lacking to date, and both the football and basketball teams are looking for glory. Regarding the Tokyo Olympic Games, there will only be one new sport that will be added to the grid for this edition and Spain will have the opportunity to participate through the representation of Laura García, who is the champion of our country of break dancing. In conclusion, we can also see all of this, the most intense matches and the tests that are loaded with the most emotion, on Orange TV through the different Eurosport channels. It is obvious that it is very good news for the operator’s subscribers.

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