“Fabular is…” – Paparazzi Magazine

“Fabular is…” – Paparazzi Magazine
“Fabular is…” – Paparazzi Magazine

On Monday, June 10, Virginia Demo sat in the Debate of Big Brother, said that she wants Furia to win the final and defended herself fiercely against the chicanes of the furious analysts who attacked her relentlessly. Among them, Eliana Guercio who, among other things, accused the former player of provoking Furia.

Virginia banked on everything in the Telefe studio, where other former players were also present, such as Florencia Regidor, Catalina Gorostidi and Joel Ojeda. And he was the hostess who couldn’t help but comment ironically when he heard Guercio doubt the dignity of the standup singer.

“I have a lot of dignity and that is why I always answered him (to Fury), he was offending my daughter and I was going to answer him even if they took me out, I don’t give a damn. “I’m going to make the money outside working.”Virqueenia had said when Guercio attacked.

“You talk about dignity but you tried to incite violence by causing Furia to push Florencia so that they could take her out, you also said that she was human poop,” said. Then, Joel launched a phrase that did not go unnoticed on the networks: “You can see that fable is contagious.”


Nobody on the panel acknowledged receipt of Joe’s ironic comment, which generated repercussions on Twitter, as well as Catalina’s contained laughter and the height with which Virginia endured the one-on-one full of interruptions and chicanery from the Fury analysts. .

“Now wanting to give moral lessons when she is only known for hitting Polino live”; “They rave”; “La Guercio talks about dignity and slapped Polino”; “Furia’s accommodation once again cannot be hidden”; “Guercio set out to generate more rejection than Furia and is having resounding success. What a disgusting person.”; was read in X.

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