The tense crossover between Alfa and Virginia Demo from Big Brother for “Furia”: “If he wins it is because society is broken”

On June 17, without an elimination gala, a special broadcast of the program hosted by Robertito Fuenz Ugarte. In this frame,.Alpha Santiago and Virginia Demo they crossed paths Big Herman, The Night of the Exes (Telefe) by Juliana Rage Scaglione.

What happened between Alfa and Virginia

About the end of the special broadcast Big Brother, the night of the exesAlfa and Virginia crossed paths to such an extent that they did not let the driver speak. “Alpha says I attacked him. It turns out that I attack you and Fury does not attack, this is divine! I never said she was perfect, of course I’m wrong. “I’ve said three or four times things that she shouldn’t say but Fury says them a day,” shot the standapera.

That answer from the blonde is because Alpha dI say that all the participants who are in the house are “turnips”, since they believe everything Rage. To the Which, Demo answered: “What works for her is the people who follow her, it’s not that those inside are morons,”

“But why do people follow her?”he went very angry Alpha. “Because it is wrong, because society is ruined, that is why society is broken. This is a reflection of society,” Rounding Virginia.

In conclusion, Robertito Funes Ugarte wanted to round off the topic to the point that Virginia Demo He didn’t leave it, and closed: “If he wins it’s because society is broken.”

Who will be the next eliminated from Big Brother according to the news?

On Monday, June 17, a new elimination gala will take place in Big Brother (Telefe) which has as protagonists Juliana Furia Scaglione, Martín Ku, Emmanuel Vich and Bautista Mascia. According to the surveys, the first predictions were given of what would be the next eliminated from the house.

Notably, Darío Martínez Corti was the winner of the leadership in the week after winning the challenge to Emmanuhim, and he lowered his plate to Nicolas Grosman to raise Bautista, since he was the only participant who was off the plate.


According to several influencers and journalists who are dedicated to uploading information about the reality show, the surveys say the following:

Through the X account Fefe Bongiornoalmost 40,000 people voted where they predict that Juliana (Fury) would leave the house with 56.6%, while Martin follows in second place with 28%. In third position, appears Immanuel with 12% and Bautista with 3.4% much lower.

On the other hand, the account of @gh_trivia where they specialize in conducting reality surveys, there were more than 8,000 votes. There, the results also gave Juliana as the next eliminated from the house with 60.8%, while Martin appears with 28.4%. In third position, Immanuel It has 9.8%.


Although in several surveys the next one eliminated from the reality show would be Juliana, Gaston Trezeguet, who knew how to defend the player on many occasions, also published a survey through her X account and more than 47,700 people voted. In these votes, Martin would be the first to leave with 59.2%, while Rage would have 32.9% of the votes.

The polls that the next person eliminated from Big Brother would give this Monday, June 17, 3

It is worth clarifying that all voting that is valid is to 9009 by SMS, and that the surveys are still numbers that can change when announcing the new participant eliminated from the list. Big Brother (Telefe).

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