It has just arrived on Netflix, everyone compares it to ‘Fariña’ and it is going to be the most viewed Spanish series at the beginning of summer 2024

Few Spanish series have been as acclaimed as Farina. The one that in her day was called “The Narcos Spanish” has been growing in memory over the years, and making everyone know more about the basis of drug trafficking on the Galician coasts. We are talking about an Atresmedia series that is today in the Netflix catalog, available to anyone who wants review it or discover it for the first time. This same year on Netflix we were also able to see it. Iron handa fiction with a stellar cast that transferred a similar story to the port of Barcelona and that was full, perhaps too much, of continuous shocks.

But both stories had something in common, a feeling of adult drama, full of tension and violence, where the characters’ decisions did not seem easy or arbitrary. The premiere we talked about today Clansis received as a new version of Farina which seems to want to put into this formula for success the commonplaces of Spanish fiction from more than a decade ago on free-to-air television. Clans It takes us to Cambados, where a family, the Padíns, has been running the town for decades using money from cocaine trafficking. Ana, a successful lawyer played by Clara Lago, goes there who discovers, with the murder of her father, that he was a protected witness who put the Padín patriarch in jail.


The plot is then articulated as an apparent story of revenge for the lawyer, who from the beginning also has to meet her stepsister and her father’s former wife, still residents of the town. It could be a story of spies and double faces full of tension, but along the way a love story is crossed in which Ana seems to give in more and more to the amorous advances of Daniel (Tamar Novas), Padín’s son and current leader. of the whole mess. Unlike Fariña, Clans It does not seek so much the psychological and social portrait of such opposing forces, but rather opts for a light tone between thriller and romantic drama, in a way that dissipates a tension that is only triggered in the final chapter.

We said that Clans put into the formula Farina the old norms of Spanish fiction that we already believed were forgotten in high-budget products, due to the number of more or less forgettable secondary miniplots. If we are now accustomed to series opting for specialization, to attack a specific target, Spanish series previously sought to bring together the whole family. That is, titles like The Serranos, The Men of Paco either Tell me, included stories of drama and romance around characters of all ages to attract the whole family in front of the television. That’s what he does again Clans, with a story of teenagers, one of worried mothers, a marital drama of the police officer in charge of the case and some family troubles that remain in the justification of the title. Perhaps it is not the most dazzling approach in 2024, but with the new forms of consumption on platforms – Netflix’s top 10 always has classic Spanish series – it is not at all ruled out that Clanes becomes the most watched national fiction of the beginning of summer.


But not everything is a mistake, maybe it’s just lack of time. Because one of the consequences of wanting to put everything in, of being everything and being nothing, is that Clans It doesn’t feel like one of those thrillers with a beginning and an end. Clans He seems confident that he can last, again as before, 9 seasons if they let him. In the current situation it would be a miracle, but perhaps a season 2 of Clans Yes, I can redirect the story a little and give more cohesion, form and tone to this story of love, drug trafficking… and a little bit of everything.

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