The best episode of the ‘Star Wars’ series comes too late to change anything

[Este artículo contiene SPOILERS de ‘THE ACOLYTE’ 1×05]

Despite the high hopes placed on The Acolyte, the series of Star Wars created by Leslie Headland Moving away from the well-known Skywalker saga, the first episodes have not given much reason for enthusiasm or for not considering it one of the worst titles in the television dimension of the Galaxy Far, Far Away.

The reception perhaps would have been different if the previous episodes had demonstrated the same verve as the fifth, titled Evening and that serves as the closing of a diptych directed by Argentine Alex García López (experienced director of series such as Utopia, Daredevil either Cowboy Bebop). In essence, it is a long fight sequence lasting almost 35 minutes where the plot exposition takes a backseat to the action.

Jedi fight to the death

The fifth episode of The Acolyte begins by resolving the cliffhanger from the previous week, with the appearance of the mysterious Sith with a covered face who had served as master of Mae (Amandla Stenberg) in the arts of the Dark Side. After eliminating a handful of Jedi and leaving Yord (Charlie Barnett), the villain faces off alone against Sun (Lee Jung-jae) while the rest of the survivors of the procession escape to safety.

The Sith from ‘The Acolyte’

During the fight, Sol reproaches the Sith for hiding his face under a helmet, to which he responds that he does so to protect his thoughts from Jedi control. The fight rages through the forest, until the Sith runs into Jecki (Dafne Keen), who has handcuffed Mae and taken away Mae’s lightsaber. Kelnacca (the Wookiee Jedi) that the fugitive had stolen.

The young padawan gets keep the powerful villain at bay using two lightsabers at the same time, until he defeats her and goes hunting for his wayward pupil. This constant game of cat and mouse plays out for most of the episode’s footage, contrasting with the narcotic action that had characterized The Acolyte until now and demonstrating that the serialization of history has made it more irregular.

As the Sith corners Mae and is about to lethally carry out his master’s correction, he is again assaulted by Sol and Jecki. It’s a shame little emotional connection that any viewer can have with these characters, since in another situation their reappearances without leaving any respite for the fight could have been exciting. Just like the Jecki’s death at the hands of the Sith, which ends up killing her after the padawan breaks her helmet.

Who is the evil Sith?

This is how the mystery of the identity of the main villain of the series: it is Qimir, the character played by Manny Jacinto (The Good Place) who, despite accompanying and helping Mae in her adventures, was the one who sent her on missions when she covered her face and distorted her voice.

Qimir and Mae in 'The Acolyte'
Qimir and Mae in ‘The Acolyte’

A supposed surprise twist where the coherence in the past behavior of the characters is the least important, and with which The Acolyte maintains its soap opera essence. The problem with the series has never been the easy resort to script tricks (the protagonists are two antagonistic twin sisters, after all), but rather the lack of visual solidity and narrative ease to present them.

Jacinto does a remarkable job after removing his mask and manages to make his villain instil fear with the evil he transmits, making it clear that he is willing to do anything to leave no witnesses to his existence. When he executes Yord, he does so by breaking his neck in a very unnoble way. He also proves to be relentless and very tough to crack, reminding Sol that at least he has been able to accept the darkness in him. “What have you done with yours?” he asks her.

Finally, Osha (Amandla Stenberg) is the one who really manages to neutralize Qimir, although he must sacrifice his droid Pip in the process. He activates his flashlight and sticks it to the villain’s back; Immediately, the light attracts the moth-eaten creatures that live in the forest, who fly away as he tries to get away from them.

How are things for the last three episodes left of the series? Mae and Osha argue again and the former ends up leaving her sister unconscious. This is how you take the opportunity to carry out the useful twin exchange: He changes clothes with her and pretends to be Osha when he returns to Sol. In turn, when Qimir gets rid of the giant insects, he finds the real Osha unconscious but thinks it is Mae.

When will these powerful Jedi and Sith, so clairvoyant, realize that their apprentices They have made the typical play of You to London and I to California?

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