Fury’s controversial plan against the former Big Brother participants: “Do you dare?”

Fury’s controversial plan against the former Big Brother participants: “Do you dare?”
Fury’s controversial plan against the former Big Brother participants: “Do you dare?”

Furia’s plan against the former Big Brother contestants (Video: Instagram)

Since leaving the most famous house in the country, Juliana Scaglione It never stopped being news. Polemical and controversial, loved and hated, Rage was the revelation of this new edition of Big Brother and continues to generate content even outside of reality. While he goes through programs, explains his game plan and responds to criticism, he does not stop adding followers, his fandom of Furiouswho would do anything to please her.

From the moment she was left out of the contest, she began to receive criticism for her controversial statements and attitudes, but also the affection of her audience. And when she got her cell phone back, she was able to contact them first hand, from all her social networks to a more direct contact through a channel on Instagram. Under the name of Furionettethe stuntwoman Use the space to speak daily to the 154 thousand people who joined so as not to miss a detail of their lives.

Now he used the same channel to put together a plan of attack and defense against possible criticism from former participants. Today Juliana has to go for the first time to The night of the exesthe GH satellite program that covers the parties that take place on Fridays in the house and that he hosts Roberto Funes Ugarte along with a panel of participants from both these and all editions of the cycle. And not everyone loves her and endorses her play on the edge of the limits.

Fury with her sister, Coy

“Today I’m going to ‘La noche de los exes’ and there are going to be panelists who know that they’ve had it out with me. I need something important”, Furia began saying in a video. “We all know that there are people who cannot resist the file. Remember that all of you sitting there are players, and I have content to talk about each one of you,” he added, and gave them a very special request.

Do you dare to see the hidden file of each of them? That is, look for the past of each panelist who is sitting there. Only those who spoke ill of me. I leave you the job,” clarified the former participant. Laughter, she pointed out her sister as the ideologue of the plan: “Coy told me to do that, is that correct? Bye bye!”.

Within the panel of the cycle in question are Gustavo Conti and Ximena Capristotwo called antifurious. Figures such as Alfa, Ariel Ansaldo, Nacho Castañares, La Tora, Nadia Epstein, Yésica Osito and Christian U, among others. Last Friday, the participant had refused to attend and it was Ugarte himself who explained the reasons.

“I want to tell you something that has been speculated a lot about because, of course, Furia has to be here today,” the presenter began by saying. “What happens is that, as it is an atypical week, there have been long weeks of 15 days and so on, She was there immediately when she left the house, with Santiago and the analysts, and obviously, after everything that has happened, there was no time for them to continue interviewing her.“He said regarding the work done by the channel’s team of professionals, who must evaluate how the players are doing after being isolated at home.

A week ago, this is how Ximena Capristo expressed her anger after being removed from “The Night of the Exes” due to the possible presence of Furia (Video: Instagram)

A few hours before the same day, Ximena Capristo, one of the analysts of that cycle, had made a complaint on her social networks. The actress showed her outrage after the program asked him not to attend the program: “Friday night, what do I do? I go every Friday to The night of the exesas appropriate, from December 15. The program started in December, but Just today, Friday, after this very, very controversial exit, they told me not to goI already had my look, divine, prepared, dreamed of, like every Friday. But I just don’t have to go. What will it be, right?”.

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