Rohingya issue in ministerial meeting of Bangladesh and Saudi Arabia

A Saudi delegation, led by the Deputy Minister of the Interior, Nasser Bin Abdulaziz Al Dawood, and the head of the Bangladeshi sector, Asaduzzaman Khan Kamal, discussed in Dhaka aspects related to the situation of that community, of which more than one million members He fled to Bangladesh from his roots in Rakhine due to violence and persecution following the 2017 military coup in Myanmar.

The Saudi and Bangladeshi representations also discussed security cooperation and ways to improve the capacity of the Bangladesh Border Guard and police, Kamal told reporters after the meeting.

The Saudi side raised the issue of the progress of efforts to renew passports of Rohingyas who traveled to Saudi Arabia more than 40 years ago.

The humanitarian situation of that community is still complex due, mainly, to the decrease in international funds to support the refugee camps.

After fleeing en masse from Myanmar in search of refuge, the Rohingyas, mainly Muslims, live in very difficult conditions in Bangladeshi territory.

Recently, the Prime Minister of Bangladesh, Sheikh Hasina, and the Director General of the International Organization for Migration (IOM), Amy Pope, exchanged concerns on this matter.

The head of Government urged the IOM to look for new ways to increase its funds aimed at helping the Rohingyas and requested its cooperation to relocate part of that community to Bhashanchar, where they have all the facilities, including education, health services. and employment, according to the leader.


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