Mexicans vote in the largest elections in their history › Cuba › Granma

Mexicans vote in the largest elections in their history › Cuba › Granma
Mexicans vote in the largest elections in their history › Cuba › Granma

Mexicans will go out to vote today in the largest elections in the country’s history and which could place a woman in the Presidency for the first time.

Around 100,000,000 citizens are authorized to exercise their right to vote in some 170,000 polling stations and thus elect more than 20,000 positions, including, in addition to the Presidency, 500 deputies, 128 senators and nine governorships.

More than 27,000 members of the armed forces and the National Guard reinforce the national public security strategy (made up of 233,543 elements) to guarantee an atmosphere of peace in the elections, as recently reported by the Secretary of the Navy, José Rafael Ojeda.

The appointment before the polls is the one that has attracted the most attention from observation missions and foreign visitors, according to data from the National Electoral Institute published by the newspaper La Jornada, which stated that there will be more than 1,300 representatives from 63 countries, the majority of America.

Virtually all the polls in recent months place the official candidate, Claudia Sheinbaum, of the Let’s Keep Making History coalition, as the winner in the elections and with a wide advantage over the opposition Xóchitl Gálvez, her closest opponent.

One of the latest polls, released by the newspaper El Economista before the electoral silence, predicts that Sheinbaum would reach the Presidency with 56.9 percent of the votes, surpassing Gálvez by 25.7 points and leaving Gálvez in third place. Jorge Álvarez Máynez (11.9), from Movimiento Ciudadano.

If the predictions come true, the standard-bearer of the alliance of the National Regeneration Movement, Labor and Green Ecologist parties would succeed President Andrés Manuel López Obrador as the country’s first president, whose project she has declared herself to continue.

During her campaign, the candidate highlighted the humanist transformation model initiated by the López Obrador government, which she said will not only continue, but will also add elements such as the protection of national heritage and attention to the wage gap between men. and women.

«It is more than an election on Sunday, it is a referendum, a plebiscite, a consultation; It is not just choosing the authorities, choosing the party, no! It is choosing the nation project that we want,” the president stated in his usual press conference on the 27th.

López Obrador expressed his satisfaction because in half a century poverty and inequality had not been reduced as during his six-year term, and highlighted that the North American nation is one of the countries where salaries have increased the most and unemployment has been reduced to almost having a job. full.

No matter how much they talk about violence due to this political-electoral circumstance, in Mexico there is political stability, and we can go anywhere, and there are still very localized insecurity problems and due to special issues that have to do with the predominance and confrontation between gangs. , he explained.

The president predicted that this day’s elections will be clean, free and, above all, peaceful.

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