Biden, Maduro and Putin among the world leaders who reacted after Sheinbaum’s victory in Mexico

Biden, Maduro and Putin among the world leaders who reacted after Sheinbaum’s victory in Mexico
Biden, Maduro and Putin among the world leaders who reacted after Sheinbaum’s victory in Mexico

From Joe Biden to Vladimir Putin: Various world leaders reacted to Claudia Sheinbaum’s victory in the Mexican presidential elections.

The official candidate will become the first woman to occupy the presidential seat in a country that has been marked by violence linked to organized crime.

“I hope that his leadership and his program of social progress inspire the region and continue to unite us as brother countries. A hug to all the Mexican people,” the president of Chile tweeted. Gabriel Boric.

Joe Biden He also congratulated Sheinbaum on her “historic” election as the first female president of the Aztec country.

“I expressed our commitment to promoting the values ​​and interests of both nations for the benefit of our people,” he said in a statement.

“I look forward to working closely with President-elect Sheinbaum in a spirit of partnership and friendship that reflects the enduring ties between our two countries,” he added.

Vladimir Putin He did the same, sending a telegram to Sheinbaum to congratulate her, expressing his confidence that both countries will continue to develop a “constructive cooperation.”

“Please accept my sincere congratulations on your victory in the presidential elections,” he said, highlighting the ties of friendship between Russia and Mexico, which he described as “traditional.”

“We hope that his presidential mandate will foster the deepening of constructive cooperation between our countries,” he emphasized.

Justin TrudeauPrime Minister of Canada, also greeted the Mexican for her victory at the polls, showing his desire to “work closely” with the president-elect.

“On behalf of the Government of Canada, I congratulate Claudia Sheinbaum on her election as the first female president of Mexico,” he emphasized.

“I look forward to working closely with President-elect Sheinbaum to further strengthen the friendship between Canada and Mexico that is rooted in cultural connections, common priorities and a dynamic trade and investment relationship,” he said.

The President of the Spanish Government, Pedro Sanchez, also expressed his good wishes for the elected president of Mexico. “Congratulations, Claudia Sheinbaum, on your election. For the first time in its history, Mexico will have a woman at the head of the Presidency,” she tweeted.

“We will continue working to strengthen relations between Spain and Mexico,” he stated.

Meanwhile, the ruler of Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega He sent a letter to the new Mexican president in which he congratulated her for her performance in the election process.

“Respected colleague Claudia: On behalf of our people and Government, and of course, on behalf of the heroic Nicaraguan women, we congratulate your historic victory, which makes you (the) first female president of your country,” he wrote in the letter that signed with his wife, Rosario Murillo.

“With admiration and recognition, we wish you the best, and of course, we reiterate our willingness to work together, in all fields, for dignity, respect, sovereignty and the right to peace, security, cultures and life in our countries,” said the former Sandinista guerrilla.

“I am very happy with the victory of Claudia Sheinbaum for being a progressive woman at the head of the Presidency of Mexico, a victory for democracy, and also for my great colleague López Obrador, who created an extraordinary government,” he indicated on his social networks. Lula da Silva.

In turn, he expressed his intentions to travel to Mexico in the coming months to strengthen commercial ties. “We can have a greater flow between businessmen from both countries,” she added.

The European Union He joined in congratulating Shienbaum, highlighting her “historic election as the first female president of Mexico.”

On behalf of the EU, the head of European diplomacy, Josep Borrell, praised the Mexican people “for their strong attachment to democracy, demonstrated during the campaign for the general elections and on election day.”

Nicolas Maduro He used his social networks to dedicate a message to the new Mexican president. “We saw an extraordinary demonstration of civility and democracy this Sunday in Mexico, a great participation in the presidential elections,” she said.

Along with congratulating Sheinbaum, Maduro greeted AMLO, whom he described as “a great leader of Mexico and our continent. This is a great victory for the Great Homeland. I hug you! Long live Mexico!”.

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