A man fell into the void while climbing a building: he had forgotten the keys to his apartment

A man fell into the void while climbing a building: he had forgotten the keys to his apartment
A man fell into the void while climbing a building: he had forgotten the keys to his apartment

a man died after falling from more than eight meters high in the Chilean town of Pudahuel when he was trying to climb the facade to enter his apartment because he had forgotten his keys.

The dramatic episode occurred in a building located in Diagonal The Crossing. The victim is a 59 year old man According to witnesses, he climbed the balconies to enter his house. However, On the fourth floor he lost his balance and fell into a patio.

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Firefighters and an ambulance attended the scene. Emergency personnel performed resuscitation exercises, although without success, and confirmed the death of the neighbor.

Lieutenant Emilio Huerta, from the Santiago Oeste Prefecture, reported that the police went to the scene after receiving a call around 7:00 p.m. to “verify an adult man who was found lying in a common patio of a residential building.” The officer added that witnesses confirmed that the man fell while he was climbing into his apartment. Authorities are investigating the circumstances of the death.

Shocking video: she wanted to take a selfie during the passage of a historic train and the locomotive broke her neck

A woman She died instantly after being hit in the head when he wanted to get one selfie with the steam locomotive known as The Empress in the municipality of Nopala de Villagrán, Hidalgo, in Mexico. The brutal episode was recorded.

As can be seen in the images, dozens of people had gotten dangerously close to the edge of the tracks, with the aim of observing the passage of the historic train The Empress 2816, coming from Canada.

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The tragic episode occurred in Mexico. (Photo: courtesy Debate).

According to witnesses, when she wanted to take a selfie, the woman was hit with the piston of the locomotive and immediately fell to the floor. Another person moved her body away from the tracks, but there was nothing they could do to save her.

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