Petro will meet for the first time with President Zelensky of Ukraine in Switzerland after making an official visit to Sweden

Petro will meet for the first time with President Zelensky of Ukraine in Switzerland after making an official visit to Sweden
Petro will meet for the first time with President Zelensky of Ukraine in Switzerland after making an official visit to Sweden

Gustavo Petro (left), president of Colombia; Volodymyr Zelensky, president of Ukraine (right).

Photo: Private Archive

Colombian President Gustavo Petro will meet for the first time with his Ukrainian counterpart, Volodymyr Zelensky, during the peace conference to be held in Switzerland between June 12 and 16, which he will arrive after an official visit to Sweden. that will be focused on the peace of your country.

Petro will arrive next Tuesday in Stockholm, where he will speak at the ‘Peace, Reconciliation and Human Rights’ forum, in which he will explain the peace processes underway in Colombia and their importance in the country’s transformation, the Presidency reported this Saturday.

In dialogue with The viewerZelensky said “for us it is essential that the president of Colombia is there and, if he has the possibility, It would be a pleasure to meet with him to talk about bilateral relations”.

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In Stockholm, Petro will be received on Thursday at the Royal Palace by King Carl Gustav of Sweden, and will later meet with Swedish Prime Minister, Ulf Kristersson, with whom he will discuss strategic issues on the bilateral agenda and ratify the ties of friendship between the two. nations, which this year celebrate 150 years of the establishment of diplomatic relations.

The president also has scheduled meetings with members of the Swedish Parliament, led by the president of that chamber, Andreas Norlén, and with businessmen from the Nordic country, to whom he will present the investment and commercial exchange opportunities in Colombia.

On Friday, June 14, at the peace forum, which will take place at the Swedish Defense University, Petro will analyze the peace agreement in Colombia, its impact on the transformation of society, his proposal for total peace and the international support it has received.

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Subsequently, he will meet with the president of the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (Sipri), former Prime Minister Stefan Löfven.

Conference for peace in Ukraine

After his visit to Sweden, Petro will travel next Saturday to Switzerland, where he will participate in the Conference for Peace in Ukraine, which will take place in the town of Bürgenstock and where delegations from 80 countries will be present.

“This international meeting will have as its central theme exploring an initial common understanding among the participating States on how to act in favor of a stable and lasting peace in Ukraine,” the Presidency indicated. At that meeting, “a meeting is planned with the president of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky.”

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The interview with Zelensky is important because so far the Colombian president has avoided taking sides in favor of Ukraine and, unlike the war in Gaza where he condemns Israel’s attacks almost daily, he has refrained from doing the same with Russia. Even at the People’s Summit held in July last year in the European Parliament, Petro said that he would not know whether to support Russia or the United States in international geopolitics because, in his opinion, they are “the same thing.”

“Being present at the conference is the position of an independent leader, I believe,” the president of Ukraine told The viewer In an interview.

“President Petro will present Colombia’s vision in the face of this conflict, its global impact and in our country. In addition, he will propose the topics in which Colombia can contribute his experience,” said Casa de Nariño about Petro’s intervention at the Conference for Peace in Ukraine.

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