the European People’s Party won the elections

the European People’s Party won the elections
the European People’s Party won the elections

The European People’s Party (EPP) won the elections to the European Parliament (EP) this Sunday and will remain the leading force in the European Parliament with 189 seats, according to the projection published by the European Parliament, already based on provisional results and some polls.

The Alliance of European Socialists and Democrats (S&D) will be the second group with the most presence in the European chamber with 135 MEPs, while the liberals of Renew Europe will achieve 80 seats. The three main pro-European groups would therefore add up to an absolute majority of 404 seats for a European Parliament of 720 seats.

They are followed with 72 seats by the Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) group and the far-right Identity and Democracy (ID), with 58. The sum of these two groups reaches 130 MEPs, although this count does not include other parties. of a Eurosceptic and ultra-nationalist nature who do not have a European political family.

The Greens/European Free Alliance, which would have 52 MEPs, will fall sharply to sixth place compared to the fourth place they held in the previous chamber, while the smallest group in the European Parliament will continue to be The Left, which today scored 36 seats .

The Non-Registered group – not affiliated with any of the European political families – would have 46 seats.

New MEPs who are not part of any of the existing groups in the previous legislature, framed in a category called Others, would have 52 seats in the new chamber, but many of them and those not registered will join already existing political groups in the upcoming weeks.

Macron dissolved the National Assembly after defeat in the EU elections

He French President Emanuel Macron announced on Sunday that he was dissolving the National Assembly and calling legislative elections after his party suffered a heavy defeat in the elections for the European Parliament.

In an address to the nation from the Elysee Palace, Macron said: “I have decided to give back to you the power of decision over our parliamentary future through the vote. Therefore, I am dissolving the National Assembly.” The elections will be held in two rounds on July 30 and July 7, he added.

The move comes as the first projected results in France on Sunday put the far-right National Rally party well ahead in the European Union parliamentary elections, defeating Macron’s pro-European centrists, according to opinion polls by French institutes.

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