Spain: the PP defeated Sánchez’s PSOE in the European parliamentary elections – News

Spain: the PP defeated Sánchez’s PSOE in the European parliamentary elections – News
Spain: the PP defeated Sánchez’s PSOE in the European parliamentary elections – News

The Spanish Popular Party (PP) (right) won the European elections this Sunday with 22 seats of the 61 assigned to the country, staying above the Spanish Socialist Party (PSOE), which governs in coalition.

Led by the Minister for the Ecological Transition, Teresa Ribera, the socialists of President Pedro Sánchez obtained 20 seatsafter a campaign in which the opposition focused on corruption accusations against the president’s wife and on an amnesty law for Catalan independence leaders, approved just a week before the elections.

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Tour in the Old Continent

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With 99.7% of the votes counted, the far-right party Vox remained third with six deputiescompared to the four it had in the previous legislature.

Still, in terms of vote percentage, support for Vox fell to 9.6% from 12.4% in the July 2023 general election. The far-right party is struggling to overcome a vote ceiling of 14%. , making it an atypical party compared to its counterparts in other EU countries.

Alvise Perez, influencer far-right social media activist running against what he describes as “universal corruption,” managed to win three seats with a campaign run primarily through the messaging app Telegram.

The right combined won almost 50%, while the left followed with 43%.

The left-wing vote was divided between Sumar – a junior partner in the government coalition -, which won three seats, and Podemos, led by former Equality Minister Irene Montero, which won two.

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