Sumar beats Podemos by 240,000 votes, but both lefts are left with a disappointing result

Sumar beats Podemos by 240,000 votes, but both lefts are left with a disappointing result
Sumar beats Podemos by 240,000 votes, but both lefts are left with a disappointing result

The head of Sumar’s list for the European elections, Estrella Galán (Rocío Ruz – Europa Press)

Add ends up imposing itself on Podemos. The formation led by Yolanda Díaz, with Estrella Galán as a candidate, has obtained a greater number of seats than the purple formation that had Irene Montero as the head of the list. Specifically, Sumar has obtained a total of three seats, thus placing itself in fifth place in the European elections on June 9, while Podemos has remained in sixth place with two seats. However, these are some disappointing results for both left.

The results of the election at the polls have shown the choice of left-wing voters: they prefer Sumar over Podemos. Yes, for the minimum. The citizens have made it clear, once again, that the ruling party on the left is Sumar, while the purples have been reduced to second place in this part of the bench. However, the distance between both formations has been smaller than a priori expected. The surveys gave a difference of between 2 and 3 seatsalthough in the end it was only one.

With the 4.65% of the votes, Sumar (in coalition with the commons, Compromís, IU and Más Madrid) has surpassed Podemos. However, the fact that Yolanda Díaz’s party has only obtained three seats, despite it being her first time in Europe, is not a good result. And much less is Podemos, which has obtained one less, with 3.2% of the votes; four less than five years ago. The Spanish left has lost the electoral battle after registering a disappointing electoral result on June 9.

We can and Add, Add and We Can. That love-hate relationship, that duel to gain space on the left of the PSOE has been concentrated in the European elections. Both parties came to the polls with the intention of obtaining more votes. The truth is that reading the results of these two games goes beyond the numbers. For the formation of Ione Belarrathe appointment at the polls felt like an opportunity, among other things, to put the formation in the center of the left vote.

Images of the leaders of the PP celebrating the recount of the European elections this Sunday, with 99.59% of the votes already counted, which keeps the PP in the lead with a four-point advantage thanks to the support of 34.18% and 22 seats, compared to 30.19% and the 20 deputies of the PSOE. (Source: PP)

While Sumar has not been able to meet his goal of obtaining four MEPs and would face the loss of representation in Europe of the United Left formation. Results that are presented as a blow to the vice president, that she has dedicated herself to the electoral campaign, but that she has not achieved the electoral results. These data show a weakened formationwhich is not capable of making its presence in the Government profitable.

The candidate of the purple formation has been the first of the left-wing parties to evaluate the results obtained and has considered that the result of her party in the European elections, in which it has only obtained two MEPs, is a “a necessary step” with which the training, in any case, is not satisfied. To which he added: “Now we assume the responsibility of growing the force of peace, of the end of the genocide in Palestine, of progress in rights. Our objective is to change everything that has to be changed, to transform Europe and Spain, even more strongly than we have done in the last ten years.”

For its part, Galan Star, the Sumar candidate, stated: “We must reflect on our results.” To which she added. “They are not the ones we would have liked, But let no one doubt that with these votes we are going to work for a Europe that is going to carry out policies to advance rights.”

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