Five key facts about the results of the European elections

Five key facts about the results of the European elections
Five key facts about the results of the European elections

Tens of millions of Europeans, from Portugal to Lithuania, voted this Sunday to elect their representatives to the European Parliament (REUTERS/Piroschka van de Wouw)

The results of the elections European Parliament They draw for the next five years a Europe more inclined to the right, although with a center that resists and will try to find a stable and pro-European coalition.

These are the keys to election night throughout the European Union:

The 189 seats that the EPP achieves once again place it as the leading force in the next European Chamberboosted by the good results in countries like Spain either Germany and with thirteen more seats than in the legislature that is now ending.

This result gives them the key to the majorities in the European Parliament that until now the liberals of Renew Europe: although they will probably join social democrats and liberals to form a centrist pro-European coalition, They will always have the possibility of joining their votes with those of the ultra-conservatives and extreme right to try to tip the balance, even if only occasionally.

The group of Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats (S&D) will maintain the rate in the new European Parliament, with 135 MEPs according to the most recent projection, four less than it had in the legislature that is now ending.

They have already declared themselves ready, according to their group leader, Iratxe García, to “work with the pro-European majority that citizens have asked for.”

Iratxe García, president of the Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats (EUROPA PRESS/ARCHIVE)

He PSOE It would be the largest national delegation of the group, with 20 representatives, and the Italian Democratic Party the second, with 19, while the SPD of the German chancellor Olaf Scholz provides 15 deputies. The French and Romanian socialists would provide another 13 MEPs each.

The liberals of Renew Europe and the Greens/European Free Alliance About twenty deputies each have been left and, although the former will remain as the third force in the chamber, the environmentalists will go from fourth to sixth position.

Both achieved record results in 2019 and are today weighed down by their poor results in Germany and Francethe two parties that contribute the most seats to the European Chamberbut at the same time they have shown themselves willing to contribute to a stable, centrist pro-European majority.

The latest projections confirm that the extreme right will increase its representation in the future European Parliament, with an increase of nine seats, to 58, for the Identity and Democracy group, which includes the National Group, which has swept France with 31.5 % of the votes.

Macron called early legislative elections after the defeat in the European elections in France (REUTERS/Christian Hartmann)

The increase in the Conservatives and Reformists (ECR), which adds two seats to 72 and includes the Brothers of Italy of the Italian Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni, who would have won with more than 28%; the match Law and Justice Polish, second in his country with 32% of the votes; or Spanish Voxwhich would obtain six seats with almost 10% support.

However, both formations could still swell their ranks with some of the 95 MEPs who are not attached to a group – among which is the German AfD, which came second with 16% of the votes, or the Hungarian Fidesz. Viktor Orbánwhich would obtain 52% support – or who enter the European Parliament for the first time when the new groups are formed in the coming weeks.

Participation in the 2024 European elections was 51%, not far from the 50.66% registered in the previous ones in 2019, when an unstoppable streak of decline was broken after the first ones held in 1979.

Neither the decisive action of the European institutions in the face of the covid-19 pandemic or the containment of energy prices or in aid to Ukraine in the war unleashed by Russia have served to further mobilize the European electorate.

Neither the initiative of several countries to allow voting from the age of 16 nor the launch of a communication campaign by the European Parliament has managed to increase citizen participation.

(With information from EFE)

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