The fun thread that shows the events that the players missed since they entered the house

The fun thread that shows the events that the players missed since they entered the house
The fun thread that shows the events that the players missed since they entered the house


Big Brother gave people something to talk about on more than one occasion. Throughout its editions, iconic moments were experienced that were recorded in the collective unconscious; However, there was a particular situation that became unforgettable for all Argentines. It all happened when Carolina Chiappetta, a participant in the second edition of the reality, He cried uncontrollably when he had to leave the house and Soledad Silveyra told him live about the tragic attack on the twin towers..

It should be remembered that the woman had left the competition on September 15, 2001, just four days after the World Trade Center located in New York, United States was attacked. “You were in the house for 43 days and I have to give you news that has shocked the entire world. Two planes collided with the Twin Towers, they collapsed, imagine what the world is like. We are all praying for peace. My love, you are going to have to become strong like all of us, the whole world. You can imagine the state of the American people”, was what Solita told him on that occasion. It didn’t take long for that moment to become a meme. Now, more than 20 years later, A thread from X went viral that shows the events that the contestants of this 2023-2024 edition missed.

“THEY WILL HAVE TO BECOME STRONG EDITION 2024. Some facts that those who entered Big Brother half a year ago missed,” is the title of the post, which is followed by some of the events that happened in the country and in the world during the period that they were playing inside the house, without communication. some.

From political events and news from the entertainment world, to personal situations experienced by other former participants, The thread covered all the topics that the contestants will receive as information when they leave the program, in a few days.

The viral thread that revolutionized the networks (Capture: X)

Among the most notable posts appeared the absolute success of film The Snow Society, which won various international awards and even had an Oscar nomination. On the other hand, among the political changes and the measures that the new Government of Javier Milei was taking in Argentina, they mentioned the closure of INADI (National Institute against Discrimination, Xenophobia and Racism). In addition, they also included the large and multitudinous march to defend public university education.

The viral thread that revolutionized the networks (Capture: X)

The viral thread that revolutionized the networks (Capture: X)

On the other hand, at a global level, some events that generated impact were highlighted, such as the controversy in the British royal family over the disappearance of Kate Middleton and the suspicion of the manipulation of a photo, until the He announced that he had cancer with a video that went around the world.

The viral thread that revolutionized the networks (Capture: X)

Humor and some events that occurred in the local entertainment world were also used, such as the launch as a singer of Wanda Nara, the romance between Nico Ochiatto and Flor Jazmín Peña and the separation of Emilia Attias with the ‘Turco’ Naím, after more than 20 years of relationship.

The viral thread that revolutionized the networks (Capture: X)

The viral thread that revolutionized the networks (Capture: X)

The viral thread that revolutionized the networks (Capture: X)

The viral thread that revolutionized the networks (Capture: X)


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