The world’s loosers gather at the G7

The world’s loosers gather at the G7
The world’s loosers gather at the G7

Javier Milei was invited to the G7 meeting, a treat that Alberto Fernández had received in 2020 and well exemplifies the importance of agape. Without a doubt, the President will shine in a meeting where the most notable thing is the number of stars disappearing into the sunset.

At one time, the G7 knew how to convene leaders like Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher, Helmut Kohl, Yushiro Nakasone, Brian Mulroney, François Mitterrand and whoever the Italian Prime Minister was that year. Those times are far away and it is difficult to think of a meeting, with the exception of the Italian one, Georgia Meloniwhich the Wall Street Journal defined as a “relative giant, among a group of political dwarfs”, of such inconsequential leaders.

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The British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, is heading headlong into one of the biggest defeats in the history of the English Conservative Party, when it must face the General Elections on July 4. The coalition behind the German Chancellor, Olaf Scholz (25% approval) has just taken a beating in the European Parliament elections, which make it absolutely unlikely that it will survive any vote.

Although there are 16 months left until he is forced to call elections, the Canadian Justin Trudeau -the leader within the G7 who has been in power the longest, almost 10 years, with an approval rating of 30%- is going through the worst moment in its history. A single statistic: Canadians were traditionally considered among the 7 happiest nations in the world. Today they have fallen to 15th place, and while the opposition Conservative party has a voting intention of 42%, Trudeau’s Liberals barely scratch 25%.

Historically, the Liberal Democratic Party of Japan has not lost elections, but with its cabinet approval rating below 16.5% and embroiled in a series of financial scandals, it is difficult for the Japanese Fumio Kishida (13% approval) remains in power for much longer.

Of Emmanuel Macron (21% approval), what can we say? He has just shot himself in the foot by dissolving the National Assembly by calling for early elections, hoping that the socialists will “defect” to him against Marine Le Pen.

Then there is Joe Biden (37% approval), which remains firmly behind Donald Trump in all the polls, and that more than leading the G7 discussions, shows clear problems in following them.

Each of them for their own reasons, but they all have the same problems.

Only “The Meloni”despite all the bad press and “bullying” from his peers, at the beginning of his government, he can demonstrate that he has been governing in a moderately successful manner.

On the opposite sidewalk, characters like Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping and Ali Kahmenei are only enjoying themselves given the obvious example of lack of Western leadership that is this G7 meeting.

Clearly this is a dangerous world.

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