Say goodbye to cockroaches with this delicious fruit that will perfume your entire home

It is known that the cockroaches of any size and type represent a pest that is very difficult to control. The ability of these insects to hide in any corner of the house and also their high reproductive capacity make eradicating them almost an impossible mission, since one of their best-known characteristics is their adaptation to any environment unlike other types of insects. , which is why they can be found in the bathroom, kitchen or any other part of the home.

According to what the National Geographic site explains, these insects They are usually nocturnal due to their photosensitive quality. Another characteristic is that they tend to reproduce very quickly, and, therefore, if one is found, there could possibly be more. It is important to keep a clean home, although many times this does not limit them. It is for this reason that we recommend an ingredient that could help you chase them away from your home forever.

This will scare away the cockroaches. Source: iStock

The delicious fruit that scares away cockroaches

As expressed in a report prepared by the Complutense University of Madrid on plants and fruit that can be used as insecticides, one of the ideal and recommended ones is soursop, which can also be a larvicide and act as a repellent.

This fruit tropical, appears as an ideal option to replace the old known methods. According to specialists, cockroaches flee from certain aromas that are generally pleasant to humans. The truth is that since it is an exotic product, the secret of its effectiveness lies in its black seeds that have a bittersweet flavor. That is why scientists assure that the best way to keep cockroaches away with fruits like soursop is by grinding its black seeds to spread the powder in the places where they travel.

Soursop. Source: iStock

Of course, if you follow this advice, it is important to keep in mind that the cultivation of fruit Soursop is also affected by moths and butterfly larvae that eat the fruits and flowers.

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