Cold air between Lula and Milei: unanswered letters and indifference in the G7 | The freezing of presidential diplomacy between the Brazilian leader and his Argentine counterpart

Cold air between Lula and Milei: unanswered letters and indifference in the G7 | The freezing of presidential diplomacy between the Brazilian leader and his Argentine counterpart
Cold air between Lula and Milei: unanswered letters and indifference in the G7 | The freezing of presidential diplomacy between the Brazilian leader and his Argentine counterpart

From Brasilia

Describing them as distant is not enough: the relations between Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and Javier Milei They are a cold iceberg. If they were already since the inauguration of the Argentine president on December 10, that character crystallized last week when both were a few meters from each other in Italy, during the G7 summit in Italy, and they chose to ignore each other. This non-greeting from the leaders of Mercosur’s two main partners gives the measure of the abyss that separates them.

During the two days he stayed in the southern Italian resort, where he was one of those invited to the meeting of the main Western economies, The Brazilian held a series of bilateral meetings, among which the conversation with Pope Francis stood out.where priority issues for both were discussed: such as fight against hunger, collect a tax on super-millionaires and promote a peace dialogue between Ukraine and Russia.

Lula also met with French President Emmanuel Macron and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

With Macron he promotes a global coalition of progressives and centrists against the advance of the extreme rightproven in the recent elections for the European Parliament.

When meeting with Modi he reaffirmed his commitment to the countries of the group BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa), forum of which Milei chose not to be a part.

Global South

Lula once again touched on the Global South in his five-minute speech before the G7 plenary session where he defended the proposal for a conference on the war in eastern Europe with the presence of Ukraine and Russia. That format, he highlighted, was developed jointly with China. In this way, he highlighted the close link between Brasilia and Beijing, based on political trust and economic dynamism: bilateral trade was 157 billion dollars in 2023.

Switzerland round trip

Before disembarking in Italy Lulastopped in Switzerland, where was the keynote speaker at the International Labor Organization conference. He recalled his past as a union leader and defended the newly created Global Coalition for Social Justice. He praised his American colleague Joe Biden, with whom he promotes a global agreement for decent work and against precariousness.

AND deplored the premises of unbridled neoliberalism (similar to the one exalted by Milei).

During his time in Geneva he explained to the Swiss authorities that he was not going to participate in the peace conference that that country hosted last weekend.

He said he was not in favor of Ukraine or Russia, but considered a summit with the presence of Volodimir Zelensky and the absence of Vladimir Putin inconvenient.

Unlike Lula, Milei landed in Switzerland after taking part in the G7 meeting. She supported Ukraine without nuances, and NATO’s warmongering option. And she received a gift from Zelensky who had harsh words for Lula.

Sun of the Adriatic Sea

Showing off his face somewhat tanned by the sun of the province of Brindisi, region of Puglia, bathed by the waters of the Adriatic Sea, Lula landed in Brasilia on Sunday morning and this Monday he had a busy day of work.

After the non-dialogue with Milei in Italy and the confirmed differences that both maintain in international politics, Lula showed that he was interested in letting Buenos Aires know that he does not intend to sit idly by in the face of the escape of dozens of Bolsonaro militants. convicted and prosecuted for participating in the coup attempt of January 8, 2023.

Despite the tight schedule, the leader of the Workers’ Party took a few minutes to send, through his unofficial spokespersons, a message to the Argentine government in the form of an off-the-record comment published by the newspaper Economic value.

Sources close to the president – as the newspaper reported in its edition this Monday – say they are confident that Argentina will deport the fugitives. The extradition request has not yet been presented but there are ongoing talks between diplomats and It is expected that in the coming days the Supreme Federal Court will formalize the repatriation request.

Lula’s spokesmen did not use a threatening tone: although they were clear in stating that the Brazilians who sought refuge in Argentina participated in an uprising that attempted to overthrow a democratic government. A serious political crime.

two cards

After insulting the Brazilian president during the 2023 Argentine election campaign, Milei sent an urgent letter to Brasilia. She was taken in person by Diana Mondino last November 26. A Sunday. The effort was in vain: Lula did not accept Milei’s invitation and preferred to be absent from the ceremony at the Casa Rosada, which looked quite similar to an event of the CPAC, an organization in which leaders of global extremism participate. Former President Jair Bolsonaro and his sons, Senator Flavio, and Deputy Eduardo, were from Brazil.

The second Mileist letter arrived in Brasilia on April 15. Again with Mondino as messenger.

Foreign Minister Vieira graciously received her, demonstrating that Brazil intends to guarantee an institutional link.

This newspaper asked at the Planalto Palace, more than once, if the head of state had read the letter. And no one claimed that he did it. Quite a political signal. But it is almost certain that he did not write a response, for now.

From ice to fire

The unanswered letters and the indifference in the G7 illustrate the freezing of presidential diplomacy between the former metallurgist Lula and the former financial consultant Milei.

That status can remain during the rest of the mandate of both, repeating the lack of dialogue that existed during the governments of Alberto Fernández and Jair Bolsonaro.

But this cold, apathetic coexistence could be altered if Buenos Aires chose to provide shelter for the coup plotters. It would be a slap in the face for Lula and the democracy that is being painstakingly rebuilt. If this scenario comes true: a crisis with serious consequences cannot be ruled out.

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