The curious animal that was believed to be extinct and has been seen for the first time in 24 years

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What is the animal that was believed to be extinct?

He giant pangolin or scaly anteater It measures more than a meter in length and has been one of the most trafficked species in the world. This occurs due to the demand that exists for its meat and its scales, which are used by some cultures for the medicinal properties attributed to them.

This animallike all pangolinsis threatened or endangered, explained from the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

The most curious thing about this animal is that 24 years ago one was not seen, which is why researchers already considered it extinct, so its appearance has raised some hopes that there are more quantities of giant pangolins.

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Measures to protect the scaly anteater from becoming extinct

One of the measures that has been taken to protect the giant pangolin or scaly anteater are the creation of protected areas such as Niokolo-Koba, which have become a kind of refuge for the animals that are under threat of disappearing.

In this case, the study that verified that this animal continues to exist took several months of preparation and also served to remind us of the danger of poaching and drug trafficking. animalswhich have led to many species being under threat of extinction.

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