Survey confirms Yamandú Orsi with advantage in Uruguayan elections

Survey confirms Yamandú Orsi with advantage in Uruguayan elections
Survey confirms Yamandú Orsi with advantage in Uruguayan elections

Orsi leads the polls for the internal elections next Sunday, where he will compete with the mayor (with license) of Montevideo, Carolina Cosse, and the mayor of Salto, Andrés Lima.

Among them will be the presidential candidate of the Frente, whose president, Fernando Pereira, assured that the candidate who comes in second place will integrate the Frente-Amplista formula as a candidate for the vice presidency.

The pollster Cifra also places Orsi as the one with the best chance of winning the presidential election on October 29 against the parties that make up the government coalition.

The measurement gives him 50 percent of voting intention for that date, first than the former Secretary of the Presidency and the candidate with the greatest possibilities for the National Party, Álvaro Delgado, who reaches 39 percent.

The remaining 11 percent responded that they do not know what they will do or that they have already decided that they would not vote for either of them.

Cifra also asked respondents who they would vote for in a possible runoff between Delgado and the mayor of Montevideo, Carolina Cosse.

In that case the results showed a technical tie.


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