This was the kidnapping of Israelis Hersh Goldberg-Polin, Or Levy and Eliya Cohen on October 7

This was the kidnapping of Israelis Hersh Goldberg-Polin, Or Levy and Eliya Cohen on October 7
This was the kidnapping of Israelis Hersh Goldberg-Polin, Or Levy and Eliya Cohen on October 7

The Forum of Relatives of Hostages and Missing Persons published this Monday the video of the kidnapping of Hersh Goldberg-Polin, Or Levy and Eliya Cohen at the request of their families, reported Haaretz.

The three were kidnapped and taken to the Gaza Strip from an air raid shelter after having escaped from the Nova Music Festival in Re’im on the morning of October 7.

The 1 minute and 37 second video has been edited for publication. It shows the attack on the bomb shelter and how the young people were taken in a van. HamasHe said Forum of Relatives of Hostages and Missing Persons.

“The difficult video is a serious example of abandonment for 262 days. Hersh, Eliya and Or They were kidnapped alive and this is how they must return today. “Everyone is clear that the return of the 120 kidnapped people is possible only through an agreement,” the families added.

Hersh Goldberg-Polin23 years old with dual Israeli-American citizenship, attended the Nova Festival with his friend Aner Shapirawho was murdered. They both hid in what later became known as the “Refuge of Death”which one Hersh it was kidnapped. From the entrance to the shelter, Aner He caught 7 grenades from the terrorists and threw them back at them until he was killed with the eighth one that finally exploded. Hersh was injured in the arm during the attack.

In a video posted by Hamas in April, Goldberg-Polin He appeared with an amputated arm.

Or Levy, 33 years old, arrived at Nova Festival with his wife Einav at 6:20 am. They both left their son with their grandparents in Rishon Letzion. During the attack, Or informed his mother that he was hiding in the roadside bomb shelter before losing contact at 7:33 a.m. His wife, Einavwas murdered in the shelter and Or was taken to Loop. Tomorrow, Almogthe son of Einav and Orwill celebrate his third birthday without his murdered mother and without his father, captive of Hamas for 262 days.

Eliya Cohen27 years old, Tzur Hadassahnearly Jerusalemarrived at the festival with his girlfriend Ziv Abud, his nephew and his nephew’s girlfriend. When the attack began, the four fled to the shelter, where the nephew of Ziv and his girlfriend. Eliya He was kidnapped and Ziv she survived buried under the bodies.

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