Loan Case: a non-verbal language expert noticed a detail in the note to the detained couple

An expert in non-verbal communication evaluated the interview with former sailor Carlos Pérez and former municipal official Victoria Caillava, main suspects in the case.

June 24, 2024, 9:29 p.m.

They are Carlos Pérez and Victoria Caillava. Video uploaded by TN.

Carlos perez and Victoria Caillava They are two of the main suspects arrested for Loan’s disappearance. It is believed that the former Navy officer and the former official of the municipality of 9 de Julio would have kidnapped the 5-year-old boy in Corrientes to sell him to a trafficking network. Therefore, in TN analyzed the couple’s gestures with an expert in non-verbal language during an interview they conducted.

What is the first thing you would mark? Of the attitude first of Victoria, and then of Carlos”Eleonora Cole asked him. “I’m going to refer first to what Paula said. She said ‘ask me about this’. That It already gives you the idea that they already had the story or the prepared speech. And to that we can also add the level of detail there is. In other words, I ask any of the people who are here, three days ago and you went to a barbecue, ‘What time did you leave your house? How long did the steps take?’ Point by point, hour by hour, they are not going to remember them, you are going to remember something approximate. That level of detail corresponds to a speech that is armed. With that I am not saying that it is a lie, or that it is true, simply that it is a speech that is armed,” the expert began explaining.

Carlos Pérez, at the time of his arrest. (Photo: courtesy of Clarín/Fernando de la Orden).

And he continued: “She, in addition to that, thinking about the break in her voice, which she manages during almost the entire note, He doesn’t have a single sign of distress on his face.. And she doesn’t have a single sign of stress on her face. In fact, she is leaning on the table, she would tell you relatively comfortable.”

Loan Case: Carlos Pérez’s handshake with his partner

“And Carlos’s appearance on stage?”was the next query. “He did show some signs of stress. I believe that the note is not made for him to introduce himself, but rather, given the situation Paula (the chronicler of TN) he used it very well. AND The first thing he does, when he sits down, is not a hug of containment, but rather a hug of presence, almost of control.. In fact, when he starts talking about her, he lets go of her hand, and is almost only touching him with the tips of her fingers. Notice that she doesn’t even look at him,” Zazzini explained.

“Something that the specialist just pointed out, that I also noticed, He grabbed her hand at one point like ‘I’m talking’ and took her out. And it was control over the situation. That’s why, when I saw that off camera, I told him ‘you’re leaving’. Because she didn’t let her finish the sentences. So he says ‘well, yeah, I better go’. And there he left,” said Paula Bernini.

Carlos Pérez attracted attention for how he presents himself on the networks. Video uploaded to the Internet by TN.

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