Video has generated outrage over the arrest of a mother who left her children alone

The video shows how a woman was arrested for leaving her children alone at home while she went to work. The events occurred in Puerto Rico last Saturday.

According to local police, they received a call alerting them to the situation. When they arrived at the scene, on the fourth floor of a house, they found a 9-year-old girl, a 7-year-old child, and a 2-year-old baby, alone while her mother was working.

The children’s mother works in a nursing home caring for elderly people. Upon returning home, the woman was faced with the unpleasant surprise of finding a patrol waiting to arrest her, since in Puerto Rico, according to regulations, leaving these minors alone is considered abuse.

While she was detained, the woman assured that she was simply working: “I am alone and I have to work for them. They weren’t in need because that’s what I worked for.”

Comments on social networks were immediate, many disagreeing with the authorities and outraged by the event, and there were divided opinions. Some people supported the situation, while others criticized it:

“I remember that when I was little, my mother also left us alone to go to work and nothing ever happened to us. “I was born in 1996 and we are already in 2024.”

“The parents of all of us would be in prison because they were working. “It’s difficult.”

“There is no way to be right. If those children had died as a result of an accident, everyone would be against the mother. Here you have to kneel so that they give you help that is useless. Those are the ones we have to get rid of, but fanaticism is king.

According to what was reported by the prosecutor’s office and the local authorities, the woman was dissolved and will not be sentenced to any charge because after checking the children they were in perfect condition and did not show any symptoms of abuse or malnutrition, therefore the decision is For now, support the woman so that this does not happen again, and it will be investigated and monitored.

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