Without Boric or Milei, the Foreign Ministry fine-tunes the event for the 40th anniversary of the Peace Treaty in the Vatican

Without Boric or Milei, the Foreign Ministry fine-tunes the event for the 40th anniversary of the Peace Treaty in the Vatican
Without Boric or Milei, the Foreign Ministry fine-tunes the event for the 40th anniversary of the Peace Treaty in the Vatican

In the midst of the controversy unleashed by the installation of Argentine solar panels in Chilean territory in Tierra del Fuego, the Foreign Ministry is fine-tuning more than 20 proposals for the commemorative events of the 40th anniversary of the Treaty of Peace and Friendship between both countries, signed in 1984 and which included the intervention of Pope John Paul II to avoid an armed conflict.

According to diplomats who participate in the preparation of the activities of the anniversary, among the main confirmed tributes is a ceremony with Pope Francis, in the Vatican, with the participation of the foreign ministers of Chile, Alberto van Klaveren, and of Argentina, Diana Mondino.

This would be a ceremony similar to the one held in 2014 between both governments, for the 30th anniversary of the Peace Treaty; However, a domestic accident involving then-president Cristina Fernández caused her ankle fracture, so she had to cancel her participation. Faced with this setback, former president Michelle Bachelet chose to be represented by the then chancellor, Heraldo Muñoz.

On this occasion, it was also ruled out that presidents Javier Milei and Gabriel Boric would be present, mainly because the ruler of the neighboring country is still on an extensive tour of Europe, so a return to the Old Continent “in less than six months” is possible. it makes it difficult for him.

The team that works on binational activities is made up of officials from the embassies in Santiago and Buenos Aires and both foreign ministries.

In the case of Chile, the commemoration agenda is coordinated by the South America Division, led by Minister Counselor Ricardo Bosnic; the Protocol Directorate, headed by Ambassador Christian Hodges-Nugent; the representation of Chile in the Vatican; and Minister Van Klaveren, with the idea of ​​seeking to strengthen the country’s bilateral relations.

Another act that from the Carrera Building confirmed to The counter It is an official ceremony in the Beagle Channel. Delegations from both countries would participate in this and it is not ruled out that it could be the time for a meeting between the Heads of State, who have met only twice: when Milei took office and at the Summit for Peace in Ukraine held in Lucerne. , Switzerland, where they exchanged a few words and addressed the case of the panels.

“The idea is that it will be a significant celebration of peace between both countries, which is why there will be between 20 and 40 activities, including an event in the Beagle Channel and another in the Vatican. Then there are events considered of different types, cultural exhibitions and exhibitions in Chilean and Argentine institutes and consulates in different parts of the world,” explains a diplomat.

For Sebastián Piñera’s former ambassador in Buenos Aires, Nicolás Monckeberg (RN), the Peace Treaty has global importance, it is a case study, because it was a paradigm for the international community on “how differences between two countries should be resolved.” siblings”.

“Great importance must be given to the commemoration of the Treaty of Peace and Friendship between Chile and Argentina, because it has global significance. Very few countries that share a border of more than 5 thousand kilometers have been able, throughout their history, to preserve peace and resolve through dialogue each of the natural differences that a border of this nature causes, and “Chile has achieved it with Argentina,” says former ambassador Monckeberg to The counter.

And he adds: “Especially, I think we must highlight the effort made by the then presidents Carlos Menem and Eduardo Frei Ruiz-Tagle, because during their mandates they managed to clear up the majority of differences that remained until that date on border issues.”

In diplomatic circles they confirm that they want to give special relevance to the anniversary. In fact, the commemorations will begin next August, on a date yet to be defined, and will last until November 30. In addition, conversations will be held with Chilean National Television to explore the feasibility of it being transmitted.

In the area of ​​the southern dispute, the participation of the Navy is also contemplated, which would develop a commemorative regatta with participants from both countries.

“There is a project to tour some important cities, with an exhibition and concerts by the pianist Roberto Bravo. And he works on different diplomatic and cultural events in the consulates,” details a source close to the organization.

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