Debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden for the elections in the United States 202

Debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden for the elections in the United States 202
Debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden for the elections in the United States 202

J.Biden and Donald Trump face each other this Thursday for the first presidential debate of 2024 in the United States starting at 8 pm (Colombia time). The meeting between the two is essential for the November elections, where it will be decided who will be the next tenant of the White House.

According to the criteria of

Biden, 81, and Trump, 78, are virtually tied, according to the latest polls. surveys disclosed. According to a study from Quinnipiac University, The Republican leads the Democrat with 49% versus 45% of voting intention at the national level. Meanwhile, another poll from the network Fox On the contrary, it benefits Biden, with 50% compared to Trump’s 48%.

For this reason, the presidential debate in the United States this Thursday is key, especially for those voters who still remain undecided.

Donald Trump and Joe Biden.


Key details of the presidential debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump in the United States

The debate is moderated by two journalists from the cnnJake Tapper and Dana Bash, following some strict rules.

In an attempt to avoid a repeat of the first debate in 2020, during which Biden and Trump spent an hour and a half shouting and interrupting each other, the network will turn off each candidate’s microphone when their allotted time for responses ends.

In addition, the program will take place without an audience or teleprompter, the device used on television that allows texts to be shown to speakers so that they can read them without taking their eyes off the camera.

The debate is televised in the United States and you can follow the details, minute by minute, on EL TIEMPO.

7:30 pm

Joe Biden and Donald Trump finalize details before the debate

With half an hour to go before the presidential debate begins, Joe Biden and Donald Trump are getting ready for the presidential debate. During the half-time, Trump launched some harsh statements against Biden through social networks.

“Biden is a WALKING LIE MACHINE so we need to be prepared for the worst. He called you a RACIST. He called you a THREAT TO DEMOCRACY. He called you a FASCIST – WHAT A PITIFUL JOKE! (sic),” he said in an email sent by his campaign.

8 pm

The presidential debate begins

The presidential debate began at CNN headquarters in Atlanta at around 8 pm.

The first topic is the economy.

8:10 p.m.

Rising prices and the economy

During the first ten minutes of the debate, the moderators asked Trump and Biden about the state of the US economy and the rise in prices in the country.

“Inflation is killing us. He hasn’t done it well,” Trump began by saying. For his part, Biden defended himself and responded: “What he says is not true; we have the best economy in the world.”

8:20 pm

Access to abortion, the second issue

The second issue that both candidates addressed was abortion. Since the repeal of Roe v. Wade, this issue has been a matter of concern to the electorate. On the one hand, Trump defended that it is the decision of each state to allow or restrict the termination of pregnancy. Meanwhile, Biden said that “no politician should decide about women, but a doctor.” Trump, meanwhile, promised that he would not restrict access to the abortion pill in the United States.

8:25 p.m.

Migration, the other shock front

When asked by the moderators about how to overcome the crisis facing the southern border of the United States, Biden defended his immigration policy by saying that his administration “has reduced the number of people seeking asylum” and added that Trump separated families in the border and “put them in cages. The Republican, for his part, said that “Biden opens the door to terrorists.”

Biden then accused Trump of “lying” and “exaggerating” about migration in the United States.

8:30 pm

Donald Trump’s harsh words on migration

“We’re living in a rat’s nest right now. They’re killing our people in New York, in California, in every state, because we don’t have borders anymore,” he told Biden in their first presidential debate in November, held in Atlanta and without an audience.

According to Trump, those immigrants are the ones who are “raping and killing women.”

8:45 pm

Biden also launches harsh barbs at Trump

US President Joe Biden called Donald Trump a fool and a loser in the first debate in which they face each other ahead of the presidential elections on November 5.

“My son was not a loser or a fool. You are the fool. You are the loser,” said the Democratic president, who accused the former Republican president of disrespecting veterans and remembered his deceased son, Beau Biden, who was soldier.

Biden broke his characteristically calm tone to recall that he recently visited France for the anniversary of the Normandy landings and visited the World War II cemetery, which Trump had refused to visit at the time.

9:05 p.m.

Trump accuses Biden of behaving ‘like a Palestinian’

Trump questioned Biden’s work in Israel and Gaza by refusing to help Israel “finish the job” against the Islamist group Hamas “He doesn’t want to do it. He’s become like a Palestinian, but they don’t want him because he’s a very bad Palestinian, he’s weak.”

9:15 pm

Biden and Trump discuss Ukraine and NATO

Trump said he does not support Russian President Vladimir Putin’s proposal to end the war in Ukraine by annexing the regions occupied by Russian forces.

The Republican said the United States has spent “too much” money arming the Ukrainian army because of this war, called Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky a “great businessman” for all the resources he has obtained from the United States and criticized Biden because, in his opinion, he has not done enough to get European NATO countries to provide more support.

​”I have never heard so much nonsense. This guy wants to get out of NATO. Are you going to stay in NATO? Are you going to get out of NATO,” Biden responded in his turn to speak.

9:25 p.m.

Biden says those who vote for Trump will vote against democracy

“The more I learn about what he has done, yes (I believe it),” Biden said when asked whether the millions of Americans who vote for Trump in November will be voting against democracy.

“This guy has no sense of what American democracy is,” insisted Bidene, who recalled that the Republican has “many (judicial) cases on the way” and “a whole range of problems that he has to face.”

9:37 pm

The first presidential debate between Trump and Biden ends

After 98 minutes, with two television breaks, the debate ended. It was marked by constant confrontations between the two candidates.

Carlos Jose Reyes Garcia



*With information from EFE and AFP

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