The 5 best cities to live in Latin America, according to The Economist: where was Buenos Aires?

The 5 best cities to live in Latin America, according to The Economist: where was Buenos Aires?
The 5 best cities to live in Latin America, according to The Economist: where was Buenos Aires?

With scores between 80 and 90 points in the global ranking, the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires consolidates its leadership in the region

Yesterday, the traditional ranking of the most livable cities in the world, prepared every year by the British media, was announced The Economist and Buenos Aires was chosen as the better to live in Latin America in 2024.

For the third consecutive year, the capital of Argentina occupies first place at the regional level, on the list that includes 173 cities around the world.

The annual survey classifies metropolises taking into account five categories: stability, healthcare, culture and environment, education and infrastructure.

Like the city with best quality of life globally was chosen Vienna, for the third consecutive year. The Austrian capital earned perfect scores in four of the index’s five categories, but a lack of major sporting events contributed to its score of 93.5 out of 100 in the culture and environment category.

Other Europeans, Copenhagen (Denmark) and Zurich (Switzerland), complete the podium, while, in order, Melbourne (Australia), Calgary (Canada), Geneva (Switzerland), Sydney (Australia), Vancouver (Canada), Osaka ( Japan) and Auckland (New Zealand) are those that make up the top ten.

  1. Buenos Aires, Argentina
  2. Montevideo, Uruguay
  3. Santiago, Chile
  4. San Juan Puerto Rico
  5. Lima Peru

Buenos Aires was chosen as the best city to live in Latin America in 2024 (Government of the city of Buenos Aires)

With scores between 80 and 90 points in the global ranking, The Autonomous City of Buenos Aires consolidates its leadership in the region Regarding this global survey of quality of life it means.

Among the aspects that earned Buenos Aires the podium as the best city in Latin America to live in, its educational quality. According to the QS World University Rankings 2025, the University of Buenos Aires (UBA) is positioned as the best in all of Latin America. After a previous loss of leadership, in the last edition of the ranking, the UBA showed a notable recovery by reaching 71st place worldwide, rising 24 positions.

In the 2023 ranking, The Economist had evaluated Buenos Aires with 100 points in education, the highest possible score; 85.9 in culture and environment; 85.7 in infrastructure; 83.3 in health; and 70 in stability.

The capital of Uruguay rose one place in The Economist’s ranking

The Uruguayan capital also obtained between 80 and 90 points, according to the Global Habitability Indexwhich allowed him to climb a place on the Latin American podium, where in 2023 he had occupied third place.

Among the aspects that lead Montevideo to occupy the first places in this type of qualifications, aspects such as the potability of water and its availability are taken into account, in a city that has already left behind the drought and the water emergency.

It also considers aspects such as the elimination of waste, wastewater and air pollution, as well as traffic.

The city of Santiago fell from second to third place at the regional level compared to the last ranking (Efe)

In the same range as its predecessors – between 80 and 90 points – but with a lower final score, Santiago de Chile occupies third place among the cities with the best quality of life in Latin America and the Caribbean.

The Chilean capital dropped one position in the ranking of The Economistin whose version 2023 was in second place.

A stable economy, along with a solid education and health system, are among the reasons why Santiago’s quality of life deserves this place in the global survey. In recent years, the country has invested in modern infrastructure that facilitates mobility and access to public services, thus promoting a comfortable and dynamic lifestyle.

The annual survey ranks 173 cities in five categories, including stability, healthcare, culture and environment, education and infrastructure (The Economist)

The capital of Puerto Rico, in fourth place regionally, obtained a score on the scale between 60 and 80 in the global ranking.

With a downtown area that is more than 500 years old, bordering golden beaches, modern condominiums and giant shopping malls, the old world meets modernity in Puerto Rico’s capital.

In the city of nearly 400,000 inhabitants, the coastal areas of Condado, Isla Verde and Ocean Park are the most popular tourist destinations in the country. Visitors will find wonderful beaches, elegant hotels and inns, trendy restaurants, nightclubs and designer shops.

The Peruvian capital is better positioned than other large cities in the region (Reuters)

Also in the range between 60 and 80 points, but below San Juan, The capital of Peru completes the top five of the Latin American cities with the best quality of life.

The city of Lima, which recently celebrated its 489th anniversary of Spanish foundation, is better positioned than other major metropolises in the region, such as Rio de Janeiro or São Paulo.

Also known as the City of Kings, it is known for its ancient temples, modern buildings, dazzling museums and many of the best restaurants in South America.

Vienna, the capital of Austria, leads the global quality of life ranking for the third consecutive year (Reuters)

  1. Vienna, Austria
  2. Copenhagen, Denmark
  3. Zurich, Switzerland
  4. Melbourne, Australia
  5. Calgary, Canada (tied with Geneva)
  6. Geneva, Switzerland (tie)
  7. Sydney, Australia (tied with Vancouver)
  8. Vancouver, Canada (tie)
  9. Osaka, Japan (tied with Auckland)
  10. Auckland, New Zealand (tie)
  11. Adelaide, Australia
  12. Toronto Canada
  13. Helsinki, Finland
  14. Tokyo Japan
  15. Perth, Australia
  16. Brisbane, Australia
  17. Frankfurt, Germany (tied with Luxembourg)
  18. Luxembourg, Luxembourg (tie)
  19. Amsterdam, Netherlands
  20. Wellington, New Zealand
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