The jury praises Magnum Photos as an “example of press freedom”

The jury praises Magnum Photos as an “example of press freedom”
The jury praises Magnum Photos as an “example of press freedom”

Oviedo, June 12 (EFE).- The jury of the Princess of Asturias Award for Concord 2024, which awarded the prize to Magnum Photos, has praised this international photography agency as “an example of press freedom and risk-taking “.

According to the jury’s report, which was read this afternoon by the president of the court, Adrián Barbón, head of the Asturian Executive, Magnum Photos has been distinguished “for its iconic and demanding work of photojournalism spanning almost eight decades.” .

“In an example of freedom of the press and assumption of risks,” this international photography agency “has guarded and transmitted the testimony of the most relevant events of its time and thereby contributed, through the image, to raising awareness of humanity”, the jury has expressed in the minutes.

The candidacy of Magnum Photos, which had already competed for these awards on other occasions, was proposed by the writer Pablo Gil Cuevas, member of the jury of the Princess of Asturias Award for Literature 2024.

This award, whose jury is made up of members of the Board of Trustees of the Princess of Asturias Foundation, is intended to distinguish “the work of defense and generalization of human rights, the promotion and protection of peace, freedom, solidarity , of world heritage and, in general, of the progress of humanity”, and on this occasion a total of thirty-eight candidates from nineteen nationalities were eligible for recognition.

In the most recent editions this award recognized the organization Mary’s Meal, dedicated to providing daily meals to schoolchildren in the most disadvantaged countries, the Japanese architect Shigeru Ban for his sustainable buildings and the help provided to people in precarious situations, and the Spanish chef José Andrés and his charity organization World Central Kitchen.

On previous occasions the European Union, the Polish city of Gdansk have received it; journalist Caddy Adzuba; UNICEF; the writer Joanne Kathleen Rowling; Adolfo Suarez; Hussein I of Jordan; Stephen Hawking; the Sephardic communities, or Doctors Without Borders and Medicus Mundi.

The Princess of Asturias Award for Concord was the last of the eight awards to fail in this XLIV edition.

In recent weeks, the Arts award has been granted to the Catalan singer-songwriter Joan Manuel Serrat; that of Communication and Humanities to the Franco-Iranian cartoonist, filmmaker and painter Marjane Satrapi; that of Sports to the badminton player CarolinaMarín; that of Social Sciences to the Canadian writer, essayist, academic and former politician Michael Ignatieff; that of Letters, to the Romanian poet Ana Bandiana, that of International Cooperation, to the Organization of Ibero-American States for Education, Science and Culture (OEI)

Last week, the Scientific and Technical Research test was decided, which went jointly to the Canadian doctor Daniel J. Drucker, the Danish chemist Jens Juul Holst, the molecular biologist Jeffrey M. Friedan and the endocrinologist Joel F. Habener, both Americans. , and in the chemist Svetlana Mojsov (Macedonia-USA) in recognition of a work that has allowed the development of drugs that for the first time have been shown to be effective in combating obesity and diabetes

The Princess of Asturias Awards ceremony will be held, as is traditional, in the month of October in a solemn ceremony presided over by the king and queen at the Campoamor Theater in Oviedo, accompanied by Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofía.

Each Princess of Asturias Award is endowed with a reproduction of a sculpture by Joan Miró – the representative symbol of the award -, an accrediting diploma, a badge and the cash amount of fifty thousand euros. EFE


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