“Living traces”: Consuelo Méndez exhibits at La Poeteca

The Hanging Wall of La Poeteca Foundation will receive the exhibition “Living Traces”, a series of drawings by the Venezuelan artist Consuelo Mendez, residing in Austria and passing through Caracas, starting this Friday, June 21, 2024, at 4:30 pm, when it will be revealed to the public. This appointment with art will also offer a conversation between the artist and the curator Lorena González, as part of the opening ceremony.

This series of drawings by the Venezuelan artist Consuelo Mendez collects the traces that close experiences of a sustained practice of “Authentic Movement”, a discipline promoted by the North American dancer Janet Adler (1941-2023).

«Between 2014-2016, I attended a weekly session of Authentic Movement with Daniela Pinto, Venezuelan dancer and body therapist. After each session, I write down my impressions in my notebook-diary and let the remaining movement express itself until it is exhausted through drawing/painting and/or words,” Méndez explains: “My encounter with Authentic Movement as a tool, guided experience and witnessed, is revealing in relation to my plastic/visual creation. After many years of research with expressive languages ​​and the body, I arrived at the freest way to directly enter the unconscious and work on it creatively. In the deep experience that an Authentic Movement workshop proposes, there is a physical-psychic approach to the internal sacred space that human beings have and from which we are so distant.

Mendez, who has an extensive career, maintains permanent work in the plastic arts – painting, drawing and graphic arts -; demonstrates a special interest in the creation of books, objects and works on paper; and also develops a pedagogical practice that integrates therapy and the arts. The relationship between the body and art becomes increasingly relevant in his personal expression and pedagogy, setting the tone for his creative research process.

«In this series ‘Living Traces’, the movement remains open as a process and I don’t shortcut it until it stops on its own and expresses itself on paper,” notes the artist: “It is an open, strange conversation that emerges from the same experience and to which I have learned to listen. And it is precisely at this point that I have discovered a direct link to my way of approaching the plastic work that comes out when I work. Plastic-visual language, because it is its own and expressive language, speaks and demands to be heard. It is not closed from the intellect, but rather from the feeling, from the heart. He lets himself be and when listening to it he indicates where it is and it says up to here. A beautiful example of pure alchemy of a creative movement process that manifests itself and does its thing.

Mendez She participated in a Dance Movement Therapy training under the tutelage of María Elisa Al Cheik, Entrecuerpos, (2016-2019) and belongs to the Pielforma Group, a body-plastic research laboratory.

Monday to Friday
From 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
From 10:00 am to 4:00 pm

Closing: September 2024

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