Let’s talk about books: Memoirs of a feminist

Let’s talk about books: Memoirs of a feminist
Let’s talk about books: Memoirs of a feminist

The book Fragments of a Feminist – Eighty Years Weaving Memories, by the Franco-Colombian Florence Thomas, is a review of her life and, at the same time, the process of women’s struggle for their rights in our country.

He was the person in charge of putting the issue openly in the opinion pages of El Tiempo, thanks to the fact that he did not swallow it whole and ended up making his connection to the National University of Colombia, in the Department of Psychology, a training school to vindicate rights.

It’s interesting to see how in the end we are all nostalgic. Memories of the family, of his youth in France, even of his arrival in Colombia, of the first collective constructions, come out through his pores.

The book is very easy to read, as it comes in short doses of chapters, in which she advances in fragments, not as a continuous story, which also helps to digest and understand the Colombia that she experienced when she arrived here and how The country has been transforming, and so has she.

The best thing is that she assumes a position not as a protagonist, which she has been in the feminist struggle in Colombia, but rather she understands that she is part of a collective, that things have been achieved with others and it is a good lesson in these times of so much. individualistic and false meritocracy.

Reading these texts by heart is important for those of us who had to live through a time in which spaces were earned by women by hand and against the stereotypes that continue to privilege machismo, although fortunately, to a lesser and lesser extent. It also helps new generations read and understand that today’s achievements are thanks to the struggle of brave women who, with everything against them, made it possible to conquer spaces to build a country from their perspective.

There is still a lot to achieve in matters of gender equality in Colombia, but there are things that have changed and what is required is to accelerate this process further so that it is talent that defines and not gender. They have earned the spaces and it is necessary for those who still do not realize that the world has changed to do so to allow transit to be more feasible and faster.

My invitation is to read this thinker, activist, vital woman, who is as Colombian as many born in this country and who allows us to see from a different perspective. And #Let’sTalkAboutBooks and feminisms, without fear.

in sentences

* There is news that takes time to reach its recipient, that is too violent to reach one or too personal and loving for a cold text message.

* When I arrived in Colombia, I did not find women, I mean, women as subjects of rights, full citizens, I found only mothers…

* …social networks that allow them a political visibility that my generation can only envy despite some risk of great diversity and fragmentation.

* Feminism is also a school of learning patience and resistance.

* The importance of a reign for the public opinion of a country is inversely proportional to its ethical, political, economic and cultural development. And Colombia seems to prove its point.

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