Vallehermoso hosts the presentation of the illustrated book “From January to January, I love you” | Green Gomera

Vallehermoso hosts the presentation of the illustrated book “From January to January, I love you” | Green Gomera
Vallehermoso hosts the presentation of the illustrated book “From January to January, I love you” | Green Gomera

This literary project seeks to strengthen family relationships through an illustrated album, in addition to fostering the special bond that unites families, couples, friends and oneself. The authors hope that this album will become a valuable cultural contribution to the heritage of the Canary Islands, reminding its readers of the importance of expressing love and affection, feelings that they often forget to express frequently enough.

In this sense, and as they explain, many people, both adults and minors, find it difficult to say “I love you.” However, expressing these feelings is essential for mental health, self-esteem, and improving interpersonal relationships.

For this reason, an illustrated album has been created that is accompanied by a didactic proposal to help teachers and students express their emotions: love, affection and affection. These activities will help improve the mood of those around us, as well as our own, and create a healthier environment in society.

Ana Belén Hormiga Amador, born in La Laguna, is a teacher of Spanish Language and Literature and a writer with a long career. She is one of the best-selling children’s literature authors in the Canary Islands. Among her most notable titles are “La Gallina Balbina”, “Libertad is not afraid” and “Grandpa’s Journey”, the latter included in the list of the 100 best books in Spain by the OEPLI in 2022.

Arón Morales Pérez, originally from Vallehermoso, is a professor of Geography and History and a Higher Technician in Illustration. He illustrates for Canarian Television and his work has been selected for the creation of numerous posters, such as the Santa Cruz de Tenerife 2024 Carnival Poster.

This event has the collaboration of the Vallehermoso City Council and is included in the program of events for the patron saint festivities in honor of San Juan Bautista.

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