The new #1 best-selling thriller book on Amazon

The new #1 best-selling thriller book on Amazon
The new #1 best-selling thriller book on Amazon

It was published on April 4, 2024 and a few hours later it had already become the new ‘bestseller’ of the moment. A wild animalwork of the award-winning Swiss writer Joel Dicker, It is the title that every reading lover wants to have in their bookstore. Especially among those fans of the ‘thrillers’ or publications of police thriller who are looking for a new story full of plots that will make you not want to leave its pages.

What is the reason for such furor over this new work? Probably because of the good reviews it received in the days following its launch. Because yes, it is one of those few books that only collect good evaluations from specialized critics. Although considering the author’s award-winning experience, it is not surprising, as his storytelling skills could not be more remarkable.

A wild animal tells the story of two criminals who try to rob a renowned jewelry store in Geneva. 20 days earlier, in a luxurious development next to Lake Geneva, Sophie Braun is preparing to celebrate her 40th birthday shortly before her idyllic world begins to shake. The reason? Her husband is involved in numerous secrets and her police neighbor has become obsessed with her to the point of spying on her most intimate details. All this added to a mysterious gift from an anonymous marauder that puts her life in danger.

Thus, with a fast pace, exceptional narrative and addictive plot that captures you from the first word, Dicker has managed to make his new work one of the best valued (and most desired) by readers.

Even exceeding all kinds of expectations. Data that is confirmed when found in the podium of best-selling books as well as at number 2 of the ‘best books to give as gifts’, sharing the position with ‘crime thrillers’. Still without a copy? You’re going to regret it as soon as they run out.

‘A wild animal’, the new best-selling suspense book

Amazon A wild animal

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